Name and Family
Degree |
Academic Degree |
| | Academic Education/Training (3) |
| |
| 1-Javad Gholami, 2006, PhD in TEFL/TESOL,The University of Tabriz, (GPA 18.63, Ranked One in the PhD Entrance Qualifying Exam and was awarded as Exceptionally Talented PhD Student at the University of Tabriz for two consecutive years during my PhD studies). [Citation] | |
| 2-Javad Gholami, 2000, M.A. in TEFL/TESOL ,The University of Tehran, (GPA 18.34, ranked seven in Nationwide Qualifying Exam for Entrance into MA Program in TEFL/TESOL). [Citation] | |
| 3-Javad Gholami, 1997, B.A. in TESOL/TEFL ,Kharazmi University , Tehran, GPA 17.17. [Citation] |
| | | Journal Articles (42) |
| |
| 1-Gholami, J. & Zeinolabedini, M. , 2017, Peer-to-peer prescriptions in medical sciences: Iranian field specialists’ attitudes toward convenience editing.,English for Specific Purposes, 45(1), 86-97. (Science Direct journal: ISI JCR IF 1.143 Five-year IF: 1.91 Scopus SJR: 1.659 SNIP: 2.733 ). [Citation] | |
| 2-Pouresmaeil, A. & Gholami, J., 2017, Incidental focus-on-form in a free discussion language class: types,linguistic foci and uptake rate.
,The Language Learning Journal., 1-13.(Taylor Francis journal indexed in Scopus, SJR 0.22 Q 2, H Index 12) . [Citation] | |
| 3-Gholami, J. , 2017, Four key focus on form options. ,International Journal of Language Studies, 11(2), 161-171. (ISC, Q1). [Citation] | |
| 4-Kalantari, R., & Gholami, J. , 2017, Lexical Complexity Development from Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective: Lexical Density, Diversity, and Sophistication.,International Journal of Instruction, 10(4), 1–18. (Turkey, Scopus SJR/ ISC). [Citation] | |
| 5-Gholami, J. & Alinasab, M., 2017, Source-Based Tasks in Writing Independent and Integrated Essays. ,International Journal of Instruction, 10(3), 127-142. (Turkey, Scopus SJR/ISC). [Citation] | |
| 6-Zeinolabedini, M. & Gholami, J. , 2016, Colleagues helping each other to publish in medical sciences: Iranian field specialists’ convenience editing strategies.
,Learned Publishing, 29, 249-258. (John Wiley journal: ISI JCR IF 1.33, 2016). [Citation] | |
| 7-Taghavian, N. A., Ghaedi, Y., Zarghami, S. & Gholami, J., 2014, کاربردشناسی تجربی و کسری هنجارمندی: بهره آموزش زبان خارجی از نظریة کاربردشناسی عام,فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته ای در علوم انسانی, ، دوره ششم، شماره 3 ،تابستان 1393 ،ص ص 116-7 (ISC Indexed). [Citation] | |
| 8-Gholami, J. & Samadi Osalou, M., 2012, Review of Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes,Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11(2),170–171. (Science Direct, ISI Indexed, JCR IF: 1.55).. [Citation] | |
| 9-Kalantari, R. & Gholami, J. , 2013, Identifying and prioritizing factors influential on English language teaching at public schools.,Journal of Educational Innovations, 46, 99-123. (ISC indexed). [Citation] | |
| 10-Kalantari, R. & Gholami, J. , 2013, Factors behind Inefficiency of English Language Teaching in Iranian Public Educational System and a comparison between public schools and private language institutes.,Language and Translation Quarterly, 3, 1-28. (ISC indexed). [Citation] | |
| 11-Taghavian, N. A., Ghaedi, Y., Zarghami, S. & Gholami, J. , 2015, رویکرد اجتماعی ـ فرهنگی در حوزة آموزش زبان,فصلنامه تحقيقات فرهنگي ايران , دورة هشتم، شماره دو، ص ص 164-131. (ISC indexed). [Citation] | |
| 12-Gholami, J. & Qurbanzada, I., 2016, Key Stakeholdersí Attitudes towards Teacher Education Programs in TEFL: A Case Study of Farhangian University in Iran,Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 18 (2), 5-20. (Scopus/SJR indexed). [Citation] | |
| 13-Abolfazli Khonbi, Z., Gholami, J, 2015, Multiple intelligences of student teachers and their self-efficacy,Issues in Language Teaching, 4(1), 40-59. (ISC Indexed) . [Citation] | |
| 14-Gholami, J., Sarkhosh, M., & Abdi, H. , 2016, An Exploration of Teaching Practices of Private, Public, and Public-Private EFL Teachers in Iran.,Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 18(1), 16-33. (SCOPUS Indexed) (The paper is among the list of reference materials and sources in the updated MA program in TEFL in Iran by the Ministry of Science Research and Technology). [Citation] | |
| 15-Gholami, J. & Maleki, E., 2015, سواد انتقادی رسانه در کلاس های آموزش زبان انگلیسی: اهمیت آگاهی بخشی انتقادی به زبان آموزان در عصر جهانی شدن فرهنگ,فصلنامه ی مطالعات راهبردی سیاستگذاری عمومی, شماره ی چهاردهم/ زمستان 1393، ص ص 149-124 (ISC indexed Q1) (Its summary is also published by IRNA at https://article.irna.ir/fa/NewsPrint.aspx?ID=3431). [Citation] | |
| 16-Gholami, J., & Aliyari, S., 2015, The impact of planned preemptive focus on form on Iranian EFL learners’ essay writing ability.,International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 10(3),1–12. (Francis & Taylor journal: SCOPUS SJR). [Citation] | |
| 17-Gholami, J. & Ilghami, R., 2016, Metadiscourse markers in biological research articles and journal impact factor: Non-native writers vs. native writers,Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 44(4), 349-360. (ISI Indexed, JCR IF: 0.62, 2016). [Citation] | |
| 18-Zeinalabedini, M. & Gholami, J., 2015, A Diagnostic Analysis of Erroneous Language in Iranian Medical Specialists’ Research Papers,The Journal of Tehran University Heart Center, 10(1), 58-67. (Scopus + ISC + PubMed indexed). [Citation] | |
| 19-Zeinalabedini, M. & Gholami, J. , 2014, Feedback Complexity and Writing Skill: The Relative Effectiveness of No Feedback, Error-flagging and Response-contingent Feedback Types,Mediterranean Journal of Humanities (MJH), 4(2), 373-382. (ISC indexed IF 0.033, Q2) . [Citation] | |
| 20-Gholami, J. & Gholizadeh, M. , 2015, The impact of language play-oriented tasks with planned focus on form on Iranian EFL learners’ accuracy in controlled writings,Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 11(1), 117-136. (ISI Emerging Sources Citation index List) . [Citation] | |
| 21-Panahzadeh, V. & Gholami, J., 2014, The Relative Impacts of Planned Preemptive vs. Delayed Reactive Focus on Form on Language Learners’ Lexical Resource,The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (JLTL), 4(1), 69-83. (ISI Emerging Sources Citation Index List) . [Citation] | |
| 22-جواد غلامی، قادر آذرمی, 2012, An introduction to Mobile Assisted Language Learning: an untapped media in Iran,International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS). | |
| 23-زهرا طالبی، جواد غلامی, 2012, Can Focus on form Instruction Make a Difference on EFL Learners’ Accuracy?,Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR). | |
| 24-جواد غلامی، افسانه علینژاد, 2012, English language needs analysis of nursing students and nursing practitioners in Urmia,International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS). | |
| 25-جواد غلامی، پریا ساجدی, 2012, Modified output in EFL contexts,Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM), 2,2. | |
| 26-جواد غلامی، زهرا طالبی, 2012, The effects of implicit and explicit feedback on EFL learners’ grammatical accuracy: the case of regular past tense in English,Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR). | |
| 27-زهرا طالبی، جواد غلامی, 2012, The effects of reactive vs. Student-initiated focus on form on EFL learners’ production of uptake,Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM). | |
| 28-سارا قنبرزاده، جواد غلامی, 2012, The effects of task complexity on EFL learners’ production: focusing on accuracy,International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences. | |
| 29-جواد غلامی، هدی خلیل آقایی, 2012, The impact of explicit and implicit instruction on Iranian EFL Learners’ production and recognition of language functions,International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences. | |
| 30-علیرضا بنیادی، جواد غلامی، سینا نصیری, 2012, A Contrastive Study of Hedging in Environmental Sciences Research Articles,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 31-جواد غلامی، علیرضا بنیادی، ارشد میرزایی, 2012, Postmodernism vs. Modernism in Iranian non- governmental English language institutes,Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM). | |
| 32-Gholami, J. & Bassirian, M. , 2011, (Mis)Conceptions Regarding Teacher-Generated Preemptive Attention to Form,Teaching English Language (TEL), 5(2), 1-26. (ISC Indexed) . | |
| 33-Gholami, J., Sadeghi, K., & Nozad, S. , 2011, Interviewers’ Gender and Interview Topic in Oral Exams,Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(10), 1394-1399. [Citation] | |
| 34-Tamimi, H. & Gholami, J. , 2014, Iranian EFL learners’ and teachers perceptions of good and poor language learners: Points of convergence and divergence,International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 3(5), 97-106. (ISI Emerging Sources Citation Index List) . [Citation] | |
| 35-Panahzadeh, V. & Gholami, J. , 2014, Planned Pre-emptive vs. Delayed Reactive FonF: EFL Learners’ Oral Fluency and Coherence,The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL (EJALTEFL), 3(1), 75-91.. | |
| 36-Gholami, J. & Khezerlu, S. , 2014, Semantic and Thematic List Learning of Second Language Vocabulary,The CATESOL Journal, 25(1), 151-162. (Affiliated to TESOL Association). [Citation] | |
| 37-Zeinalabedini, M. & Gholami, J., 2014, The Effect of the Cooperative Learning Method Advocated by Multiple Intelligence Theory,The TFLTA Journal, 5, 67-79.. [Citation] | |
| 38-Gholami, J. & Narimani, E., 2012, Consciousness-Raising Through Written Corrective Feedback: The Case of Marked Third Person -s,Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 49-66. (ISC indexed, IF 0.094, Q1) . [Citation] | |
| 39-Gholami,J. & Sajedi, S. P., 2013, Modified Output in Iranian Efl Learners’ Task-Based Dyadic Interactions Across Gender,Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 13(8), 1087-1094. [Citation] | |
| 40-Gholami, J. & Bassirian, M. , 2011, Measuring the effectiveness of preemptive focus on form through uptake sheets,Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14(2), 63-89. (ISC indexed) . | |
| 41-Gholami, J., Mosalli, Z., & Nikou, S. B. , 2012, Lexical Complexity and Discourse Markers in Soft and Hard Science Articles,World Applied Sciences Journal, 17(3), 368-374. [Citation] | |
| 42-Mohammadnia, Z. & Gholami, J., 2008, Incidental Focus on Form: Does Proficiency Matter? ,Teaching English Language (TEL), 2(6), 1-26. (ISC indexed) . |
| | | Conference Papers/Abstracts/Posters (35) |
| |
| 1- 2013, A comparative study of motivators and demotivators among Iranian EFL learners in universities and institutes,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 2- 1388, A Critical Analysis of Native Versus Non-Native Written EFL Books in Iran,The First National Conference on Language Discourse and Pragmatics. | |
| 3- 1390, A tripartite descriptive analysis of EAP courses in Iran; a case study on,AzETA 8th INTERNATIONAL ELT CONFERENCE, Baku,Azerbaijan. | |
| 4- 1389, An Introduction to Mobile Assisted Language Learning ; an Untapped Media in Iran,The 8th International TELLSI Conference: Call for Change in Our Language Teaching. | |
| 5- 2010, An Investigation of the Effect of Concept Mapping on Improving Iranian EFL Learners Reading Comprehension Ability,the First Conference on New Perspectives in ELT , Linguistics and Literature. | |
| 6- 1390, Corrective feedback in young and adult EFL learners’ classes: does teacher’s experience matter?,The 9th International TELLSI Conference, ایلام,ایران. | |
| 7- 2010, Discoursal Feedback on Essays Based on Thematic Progression,CELC Symposium Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections and Practices in ELT. | |
| 8- 1388, Do Teachers Teach What Learners Want Regarding Proficiency and Gender?,The First National Conference on Language Discourse and Pragmatics. | |
| 9- 2013, Effects of Watching Flash Stories with(out) Subtitle and Reading Subtitles on IncidentalVocabulary,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 10- 1390, Experienced vs. novice teachers’ use of preemptive focus on form,The 45th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, برایتون,انگلستان. | |
| 11- 2014, Filed Specialists Conivnience Editing Strategies and Revisions on RAs in Medical Sciences,IELTI 7, تهران,ایران. | |
| 12- 2013, From mother tongue to other tongue: L1 use/abuse in EFL classes,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 13- 2013, Guided pressured vs. unguided pressured tasks and EFL learners process writings,اولین کنفرانس ملی آموزش زبان انگلیسی، ادبیات و مترجمی, شیراز,ایران. | |
| 14- 2015, Iranian EFL learners use of self-regulatory, test-wiseness, and discourse synthesis strategies in integrated writing tasks,TELLSI 13 International Conference, خرم آباد,ایران. | |
| 15- 1388, Language Proficiency and Metadiscourse Markers: A Heuristic Study of EFL Student,s Essays,The First National Conference on Language Discourse and Pragmatics. | |
| 16- 2013, Language-related Revisions in Published Research Articles by Iranian Academia: The Case of Applied Linguistics,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 17- 2013, Metadiscourse markers misues: a study on EFL learners’ argumentative essays,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 18- 1390, Modified output in Iranian EFL learners’ task-based dyadic interactions across gender,The 9th International TELLSI Conference, ایلام,ایران. | |
| 19- 1394, Optimality theoretic account of the production of the Persian initial consonants by mentally and physically handicapped children,2nd Conference on ?nterdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching Literature and Translation Studies, مشهد,ایران. | |
| 20- 2009, preemptive Focus on Form: Teachers Practices Across Proficiencies,TELL. | |
| 21- 2013, Scaffolding by more competent learners during task-based dyadic interactions in young learners’ EFL classes,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 22- 2013, Scoring Argumentative Essays based on Thematic Progression Patterns and IELTS Analytic Scoring Criteria,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 23- 2010, Teacher Code- Switching in EFL Classes: A Case Study on Kurdish Students,the First Conference on New Perspectives in ELT , Linguistics and Literature. | |
| 24- 1389, Teacher- vs. Learner- Initiated Preemptive FonF and Uptake in an EFL Class,The 8th International TELLSI Conference: Call for Change in Our Language Teaching. | |
| 25- 1390, The effect of instructing thematic patterns on Iranian EFL learners’,AzETA 8th INTERNATIONAL ELT CONFERENCE, Baku,Azerbaijan. | |
| 26- 2013, The effect of interaction enhancement following a communicative task on EFL learners’ acquisition of articles in English,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 27- 2010, The Effect of Interactive input Enhancement of References on Intermediate EFL Learners Listening Comrehension,The Tenth Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium. | |
| 28- 2013, The Effect of Planned Preemptive vs. Delayed Reactive Fon F on Female EFL Learners’ Oral Production,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 29- 2013, The effects of raising Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ critical thinking on vocabulary learning,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 30- 1390, The effects of task complexity in foreign lalanguage written production: focusing on complexity and accuracy,6th Conference on issues in English Language Teaching in Iran, تهران,ایران. | |
| 31- 2013, The effects of visually-enhanced discourse markers vs. explicit knowledge on punctuation use of advanced EFL learners’ writings,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 32- 2015, The impacts of delayed reactive FonF with and without pessay writing ability planned preemptive FonF on Iranian EFL learners essay writing ability,TELLSI13 International Conference, خرم آباد,ایران. | |
| 33- 2010, The RelationshipBetween Gender, Language Proficiency and Iranian EFL Learners Performance on Pre- Listening Activities,the First Conference on New Perspectives in ELT , Linguistics and Literature. | |
| 34- 1394, Thematic progression in the spoken language: the case of Iranian EFL learners,2nd Conference on ?nterdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching Literature and Translation Studies, مشهد,ایران. | |
| 35- 1390, Using anecdotes in EFL classes,AzETA 8th INTERNATIONAL ELT CONFERENCE, باکو,آذربایجان. |
| | | Books (9) |
| |
| 1-Gholami, J. & Zeinolabedini, M. , 2018, Learnability and Teachability Hypothesis, Book Chapter in The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching Teaching, First Edition. Edited by John I. Liontas (Project Editor: Margo DelliCarpini). © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0080,The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0080/abstract. [Citation] | |
| 2-Javad Gholami, 1391, Building Blocks of Academic Papers and Essays, Urmia University Press. [Citation] | |
| 3-جواد غلامی، صلاح خضری, 1390, Teach Listening Through Interactive Input Enhancement: Interactive focus on form and its role in EFL learners listening comprehension, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 4-جواد غلامی، ساناز نوزاد, 1390, Anxiety Level, Interviewers Gender and Interview Topic: Do they matter for EFL learners?, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 5-جواد غلامی، شادی نگهدار, 1390, EFL Teachers Beliefs and Practices on Code-switching: From Mother Tongue to Other Tongue, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 6-جواد غلامی، زینب عبداله پور, 1389, Multimedia Annotations and Vocabulary Learning: Enriching EFL learners vocabulary through still picture, dynamic picture, and written annotations, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 7-جواد غلامی، نسرین صداقت گفتار, 1389, Same Classes, Different Voices; Do Teachers Teach What Learners Want?: Correspondence Between Teachers Teaching Preferences and Learners Learning Preferences, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 8-جواد غلامی، مرتضی بصیریان, 1389, Incidental Focus on Form and Uptake: A New Visage of Learner- and Teacher-initiated Preemptive Focus on Form and Uptake in EFL Classes, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 9- 2009, Incidental Focus on Form in English Language Teaching. |
| | | Courses Taught (4) |
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| 1-PhD program in TEFL/TESOL, Methodology, Teacher Training & Education, English for Specific Courses,Department of English. | |
| 2-MA program in TEFL/TESOL, Methodology, Teaching Language Skills, Practicum, English for Specific Courses (ESP), English Language Teaching in Iran, Discourse Analysis, research Methods,Department of English. | |
| 3-BA program in English Language and Literature, Reading III, Media English, Essay Writing, Linguistics I & II, Methodology, Language Testing,Department of English. | |
| 4-BA program in TEFL /TESOL, Linguistics I & II Media English, Reading III, Teaching Young Learners Teaching Adult Learners, Practicum for Teaching Young Learners, Practicum for Teaching Adult Learners Materials Preparation and Analysis,Department of English. |
| | | Awards / Honours (8) |
| |
| 1-Javad Gholami, 2018, Honorary Doctorate Degree Award from Daugavpils University in recognition of my contribution to the flourishment of the Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability (JTES) as journal editor and the advancement of international collaboration in that university.,Daugavpils University.  | |
| 2-Javad Gholami, 2000, awarded Full Scholarship from the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology and Urmia University for PhD Studies in TEFL/TESOL,Urmia University. | |
| 3-Javad Gholami, 2012, Distinguished Researcher of Urmia University,Urmia University. | |
| 4-Javad Gholami, 2006, Exceptionally Talented PhD Student of the University of Tabriz,University of Tabriz. | |
| 5-Javad Gholami, 2005, Exceptionally Talented PhD Student of the University of Tabriz,University of Tabriz. | |
| 6-Javad Gholami, 2000, Rank 1 in Qualifying Exam for Entrance into the PhD Program in TEFL/TESOL, University of Tabriz,University of Tabriz. | |
| 7-Javad Gholami, 1997, Rank 7 in Nationwide Qualifying Exam for Entrance into MA Program in TEFL/TESOL,Iranian Measurement Organization (Sanjesh). | |
| 8-Javad Gholami, 1992-2000, Awarded Scholarship from the Ministry of Education in BA and MA programs in TEFL/TESOL. |
Name and Family
Javad Gholami
PhD in Applied Linguistics/TESOL
Academic Degree
Department of Foreign Languages
Short Bioghraphy
| | Javad Gholami is Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESOL at the Department of English Language, Urmia University, Urmia, IRAN. He is the Founding Manager of Virayeshyar English Language Editing & Translation Center (www.virayeshyar.ir).  His managerial positions include working as the Director of the International Relations Office of Urmia University, Head and Deputy  Head of the English Department, the Scientific and Administrative Representative of Urmia University at Language Center at Urmia University, and Education Manager and R&D Director of Goldis Language Institute. He worked as editor and translator of the English version of the Urmia University website: http://en.urmia.ac.ir.   His main publications have been on incidental focus on form, task-based language teaching, teacher education, academic writing, English for Academic and Research Publication Purposes, and convenience editing of research articles. He is also interested in the professional development of Iranian EFL teachers by conducting teacher training courses and theme-based workshops.  His updated journal publications are available through the following links:  ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4970-1110 ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/J-1241-2017 ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Javad_Gholami3 Scopus Author ID: 55428053400 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55428053400 Academia: https://urmia.academia.edu/JavadGholami His active emails are: 1. j.gholami@urmia.ac.ir  2. gholamij@gmail.com 3. virayeshyar@gmail.com He is also the Founding Manager of Virayeshyar English Language Editing Center.   Homepage: www.virayeshyar.ir Email: virayeshyar@gmail.com
Research and Education Resume
| | Academic Education/Training (3) |
| |
| 1-Javad Gholami, 2006, PhD in TEFL/TESOL,The University of Tabriz, (GPA 18.63, Ranked One in the PhD Entrance Qualifying Exam and was awarded as Exceptionally Talented PhD Student at the University of Tabriz for two consecutive years during my PhD studies). | |
| 2-Javad Gholami, 2000, M.A. in TEFL/TESOL ,The University of Tehran, (GPA 18.34, ranked seven in Nationwide Qualifying Exam for Entrance into MA Program in TEFL/TESOL). | |
| 3-Javad Gholami, 1997, B.A. in TESOL/TEFL ,Kharazmi University , Tehran, GPA 17.17. |
| | | Journal Articles (42) |
| |
| 1-Gholami, J. & Zeinolabedini, M. , 2017, Peer-to-peer prescriptions in medical sciences: Iranian field specialists’ attitudes toward convenience editing.,English for Specific Purposes, 45(1), 86-97. (Science Direct journal: ISI JCR IF 1.143 Five-year IF: 1.91 Scopus SJR: 1.659 SNIP: 2.733 ). | |
| 2-Pouresmaeil, A. & Gholami, J., 2017, Incidental focus-on-form in a free discussion language class: types,linguistic foci and uptake rate.
,The Language Learning Journal., 1-13.(Taylor Francis journal indexed in Scopus, SJR 0.22 Q 2, H Index 12) . | |
| 3-Gholami, J. , 2017, Four key focus on form options. ,International Journal of Language Studies, 11(2), 161-171. (ISC, Q1). | |
| 4-Kalantari, R., & Gholami, J. , 2017, Lexical Complexity Development from Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective: Lexical Density, Diversity, and Sophistication.,International Journal of Instruction, 10(4), 1–18. (Turkey, Scopus SJR/ ISC). | |
| 5-Gholami, J. & Alinasab, M., 2017, Source-Based Tasks in Writing Independent and Integrated Essays. ,International Journal of Instruction, 10(3), 127-142. (Turkey, Scopus SJR/ISC). | |
| 6-Zeinolabedini, M. & Gholami, J. , 2016, Colleagues helping each other to publish in medical sciences: Iranian field specialists’ convenience editing strategies.
,Learned Publishing, 29, 249-258. (John Wiley journal: ISI JCR IF 1.33, 2016). | |
| 7-Taghavian, N. A., Ghaedi, Y., Zarghami, S. & Gholami, J., 2014, کاربردشناسی تجربی و کسری هنجارمندی: بهره آموزش زبان خارجی از نظریة کاربردشناسی عام,فصلنامه مطالعات میان رشته ای در علوم انسانی, ، دوره ششم، شماره 3 ،تابستان 1393 ،ص ص 116-7 (ISC Indexed). | |
| 8-Gholami, J. & Samadi Osalou, M., 2012, Review of Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes,Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11(2),170–171. (Science Direct, ISI Indexed, JCR IF: 1.55).. | |
| 9-Kalantari, R. & Gholami, J. , 2013, Identifying and prioritizing factors influential on English language teaching at public schools.,Journal of Educational Innovations, 46, 99-123. (ISC indexed). | |
| 10-Kalantari, R. & Gholami, J. , 2013, Factors behind Inefficiency of English Language Teaching in Iranian Public Educational System and a comparison between public schools and private language institutes.,Language and Translation Quarterly, 3, 1-28. (ISC indexed). | |
| 11-Taghavian, N. A., Ghaedi, Y., Zarghami, S. & Gholami, J. , 2015, رویکرد اجتماعی ـ فرهنگی در حوزة آموزش زبان,فصلنامه تحقيقات فرهنگي ايران , دورة هشتم، شماره دو، ص ص 164-131. (ISC indexed). | |
| 12-Gholami, J. & Qurbanzada, I., 2016, Key Stakeholdersí Attitudes towards Teacher Education Programs in TEFL: A Case Study of Farhangian University in Iran,Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 18 (2), 5-20. (Scopus/SJR indexed). | |
| 13-Abolfazli Khonbi, Z., Gholami, J, 2015, Multiple intelligences of student teachers and their self-efficacy,Issues in Language Teaching, 4(1), 40-59. (ISC Indexed) . | |
| 14-Gholami, J., Sarkhosh, M., & Abdi, H. , 2016, An Exploration of Teaching Practices of Private, Public, and Public-Private EFL Teachers in Iran.,Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 18(1), 16-33. (SCOPUS Indexed) (The paper is among the list of reference materials and sources in the updated MA program in TEFL in Iran by the Ministry of Science Research and Technology). | |
| 15-Gholami, J. & Maleki, E., 2015, سواد انتقادی رسانه در کلاس های آموزش زبان انگلیسی: اهمیت آگاهی بخشی انتقادی به زبان آموزان در عصر جهانی شدن فرهنگ,فصلنامه ی مطالعات راهبردی سیاستگذاری عمومی, شماره ی چهاردهم/ زمستان 1393، ص ص 149-124 (ISC indexed Q1) (Its summary is also published by IRNA at https://article.irna.ir/fa/NewsPrint.aspx?ID=3431). | |
| 16-Gholami, J., & Aliyari, S., 2015, The impact of planned preemptive focus on form on Iranian EFL learners’ essay writing ability.,International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 10(3),1–12. (Francis & Taylor journal: SCOPUS SJR). | |
| 17-Gholami, J. & Ilghami, R., 2016, Metadiscourse markers in biological research articles and journal impact factor: Non-native writers vs. native writers,Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 44(4), 349-360. (ISI Indexed, JCR IF: 0.62, 2016). | |
| 18-Zeinalabedini, M. & Gholami, J., 2015, A Diagnostic Analysis of Erroneous Language in Iranian Medical Specialists’ Research Papers,The Journal of Tehran University Heart Center, 10(1), 58-67. (Scopus + ISC + PubMed indexed). | |
| 19-Zeinalabedini, M. & Gholami, J. , 2014, Feedback Complexity and Writing Skill: The Relative Effectiveness of No Feedback, Error-flagging and Response-contingent Feedback Types,Mediterranean Journal of Humanities (MJH), 4(2), 373-382. (ISC indexed IF 0.033, Q2) . | |
| 20-Gholami, J. & Gholizadeh, M. , 2015, The impact of language play-oriented tasks with planned focus on form on Iranian EFL learners’ accuracy in controlled writings,Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 11(1), 117-136. (ISI Emerging Sources Citation index List) . | |
| 21-Panahzadeh, V. & Gholami, J., 2014, The Relative Impacts of Planned Preemptive vs. Delayed Reactive Focus on Form on Language Learners’ Lexical Resource,The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning (JLTL), 4(1), 69-83. (ISI Emerging Sources Citation Index List) . | |
| 22-جواد غلامی، قادر آذرمی, 2012, An introduction to Mobile Assisted Language Learning: an untapped media in Iran,International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences (IJPSS). | |
| 23-زهرا طالبی، جواد غلامی, 2012, Can Focus on form Instruction Make a Difference on EFL Learners’ Accuracy?,Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR). | |
| 24-جواد غلامی، افسانه علینژاد, 2012, English language needs analysis of nursing students and nursing practitioners in Urmia,International Journal of Research in Social Sciences (IJRSS). | |
| 25-جواد غلامی، پریا ساجدی, 2012, Modified output in EFL contexts,Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM), 2,2. | |
| 26-جواد غلامی، زهرا طالبی, 2012, The effects of implicit and explicit feedback on EFL learners’ grammatical accuracy: the case of regular past tense in English,Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research (JBASR). | |
| 27-زهرا طالبی، جواد غلامی, 2012, The effects of reactive vs. Student-initiated focus on form on EFL learners’ production of uptake,Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM). | |
| 28-سارا قنبرزاده، جواد غلامی, 2012, The effects of task complexity on EFL learners’ production: focusing on accuracy,International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences. | |
| 29-جواد غلامی، هدی خلیل آقایی, 2012, The impact of explicit and implicit instruction on Iranian EFL Learners’ production and recognition of language functions,International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences. | |
| 30-علیرضا بنیادی، جواد غلامی، سینا نصیری, 2012, A Contrastive Study of Hedging in Environmental Sciences Research Articles,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 31-جواد غلامی، علیرضا بنیادی، ارشد میرزایی, 2012, Postmodernism vs. Modernism in Iranian non- governmental English language institutes,Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods (MJLTM). | |
| 32-Gholami, J. & Bassirian, M. , 2011, (Mis)Conceptions Regarding Teacher-Generated Preemptive Attention to Form,Teaching English Language (TEL), 5(2), 1-26. (ISC Indexed) . | |
| 33-Gholami, J., Sadeghi, K., & Nozad, S. , 2011, Interviewers’ Gender and Interview Topic in Oral Exams,Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 1(10), 1394-1399. | |
| 34-Tamimi, H. & Gholami, J. , 2014, Iranian EFL learners’ and teachers perceptions of good and poor language learners: Points of convergence and divergence,International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning, 3(5), 97-106. (ISI Emerging Sources Citation Index List) . | |
| 35-Panahzadeh, V. & Gholami, J. , 2014, Planned Pre-emptive vs. Delayed Reactive FonF: EFL Learners’ Oral Fluency and Coherence,The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL (EJALTEFL), 3(1), 75-91.. | |
| 36-Gholami, J. & Khezerlu, S. , 2014, Semantic and Thematic List Learning of Second Language Vocabulary,The CATESOL Journal, 25(1), 151-162. (Affiliated to TESOL Association). | |
| 37-Zeinalabedini, M. & Gholami, J., 2014, The Effect of the Cooperative Learning Method Advocated by Multiple Intelligence Theory,The TFLTA Journal, 5, 67-79.. | |
| 38-Gholami, J. & Narimani, E., 2012, Consciousness-Raising Through Written Corrective Feedback: The Case of Marked Third Person -s,Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 49-66. (ISC indexed, IF 0.094, Q1) . | |
| 39-Gholami,J. & Sajedi, S. P., 2013, Modified Output in Iranian Efl Learners’ Task-Based Dyadic Interactions Across Gender,Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 13(8), 1087-1094. | |
| 40-Gholami, J. & Bassirian, M. , 2011, Measuring the effectiveness of preemptive focus on form through uptake sheets,Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14(2), 63-89. (ISC indexed) . | |
| 41-Gholami, J., Mosalli, Z., & Nikou, S. B. , 2012, Lexical Complexity and Discourse Markers in Soft and Hard Science Articles,World Applied Sciences Journal, 17(3), 368-374. | |
| 42-Mohammadnia, Z. & Gholami, J., 2008, Incidental Focus on Form: Does Proficiency Matter? ,Teaching English Language (TEL), 2(6), 1-26. (ISC indexed) . |
| | | Conference Papers/Abstracts/Posters (35) |
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| 1- 2013, A comparative study of motivators and demotivators among Iranian EFL learners in universities and institutes,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 2- 1388, A Critical Analysis of Native Versus Non-Native Written EFL Books in Iran,The First National Conference on Language Discourse and Pragmatics. | |
| 3- 1390, A tripartite descriptive analysis of EAP courses in Iran; a case study on,AzETA 8th INTERNATIONAL ELT CONFERENCE, Baku,Azerbaijan. | |
| 4- 1389, An Introduction to Mobile Assisted Language Learning ; an Untapped Media in Iran,The 8th International TELLSI Conference: Call for Change in Our Language Teaching. | |
| 5- 2010, An Investigation of the Effect of Concept Mapping on Improving Iranian EFL Learners Reading Comprehension Ability,the First Conference on New Perspectives in ELT , Linguistics and Literature. | |
| 6- 1390, Corrective feedback in young and adult EFL learners’ classes: does teacher’s experience matter?,The 9th International TELLSI Conference, ایلام,ایران. | |
| 7- 2010, Discoursal Feedback on Essays Based on Thematic Progression,CELC Symposium Global Perspectives, Local Initiatives: Reflections and Practices in ELT. | |
| 8- 1388, Do Teachers Teach What Learners Want Regarding Proficiency and Gender?,The First National Conference on Language Discourse and Pragmatics. | |
| 9- 2013, Effects of Watching Flash Stories with(out) Subtitle and Reading Subtitles on IncidentalVocabulary,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 10- 1390, Experienced vs. novice teachers’ use of preemptive focus on form,The 45th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, برایتون,انگلستان. | |
| 11- 2014, Filed Specialists Conivnience Editing Strategies and Revisions on RAs in Medical Sciences,IELTI 7, تهران,ایران. | |
| 12- 2013, From mother tongue to other tongue: L1 use/abuse in EFL classes,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 13- 2013, Guided pressured vs. unguided pressured tasks and EFL learners process writings,اولین کنفرانس ملی آموزش زبان انگلیسی، ادبیات و مترجمی, شیراز,ایران. | |
| 14- 2015, Iranian EFL learners use of self-regulatory, test-wiseness, and discourse synthesis strategies in integrated writing tasks,TELLSI 13 International Conference, خرم آباد,ایران. | |
| 15- 1388, Language Proficiency and Metadiscourse Markers: A Heuristic Study of EFL Student,s Essays,The First National Conference on Language Discourse and Pragmatics. | |
| 16- 2013, Language-related Revisions in Published Research Articles by Iranian Academia: The Case of Applied Linguistics,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 17- 2013, Metadiscourse markers misues: a study on EFL learners’ argumentative essays,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 18- 1390, Modified output in Iranian EFL learners’ task-based dyadic interactions across gender,The 9th International TELLSI Conference, ایلام,ایران. | |
| 19- 1394, Optimality theoretic account of the production of the Persian initial consonants by mentally and physically handicapped children,2nd Conference on ?nterdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching Literature and Translation Studies, مشهد,ایران. | |
| 20- 2009, preemptive Focus on Form: Teachers Practices Across Proficiencies,TELL. | |
| 21- 2013, Scaffolding by more competent learners during task-based dyadic interactions in young learners’ EFL classes,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 22- 2013, Scoring Argumentative Essays based on Thematic Progression Patterns and IELTS Analytic Scoring Criteria,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 23- 2010, Teacher Code- Switching in EFL Classes: A Case Study on Kurdish Students,the First Conference on New Perspectives in ELT , Linguistics and Literature. | |
| 24- 1389, Teacher- vs. Learner- Initiated Preemptive FonF and Uptake in an EFL Class,The 8th International TELLSI Conference: Call for Change in Our Language Teaching. | |
| 25- 1390, The effect of instructing thematic patterns on Iranian EFL learners’,AzETA 8th INTERNATIONAL ELT CONFERENCE, Baku,Azerbaijan. | |
| 26- 2013, The effect of interaction enhancement following a communicative task on EFL learners’ acquisition of articles in English,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 27- 2010, The Effect of Interactive input Enhancement of References on Intermediate EFL Learners Listening Comrehension,The Tenth Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium. | |
| 28- 2013, The Effect of Planned Preemptive vs. Delayed Reactive Fon F on Female EFL Learners’ Oral Production,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 29- 2013, The effects of raising Iranian intermediate EFL learners’ critical thinking on vocabulary learning,International Conference on Current Trends in ELT Putting the LEARNER in the Spotlight, ارومیه,ایران. | |
| 30- 1390, The effects of task complexity in foreign lalanguage written production: focusing on complexity and accuracy,6th Conference on issues in English Language Teaching in Iran, تهران,ایران. | |
| 31- 2013, The effects of visually-enhanced discourse markers vs. explicit knowledge on punctuation use of advanced EFL learners’ writings,the second national conference on language, discourse, and pragmatics, اهواز,ایران. | |
| 32- 2015, The impacts of delayed reactive FonF with and without pessay writing ability planned preemptive FonF on Iranian EFL learners essay writing ability,TELLSI13 International Conference, خرم آباد,ایران. | |
| 33- 2010, The RelationshipBetween Gender, Language Proficiency and Iranian EFL Learners Performance on Pre- Listening Activities,the First Conference on New Perspectives in ELT , Linguistics and Literature. | |
| 34- 1394, Thematic progression in the spoken language: the case of Iranian EFL learners,2nd Conference on ?nterdisciplinary Approaches to Language Teaching Literature and Translation Studies, مشهد,ایران. | |
| 35- 1390, Using anecdotes in EFL classes,AzETA 8th INTERNATIONAL ELT CONFERENCE, باکو,آذربایجان. |
| | | Books (9) |
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| 1-Gholami, J. & Zeinolabedini, M. , 2018, Learnability and Teachability Hypothesis, Book Chapter in The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching Teaching, First Edition. Edited by John I. Liontas (Project Editor: Margo DelliCarpini). © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. DOI: 10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0080,The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0080/abstract. | |
| 2-Javad Gholami, 1391, Building Blocks of Academic Papers and Essays, Urmia University Press. | |
| 3-جواد غلامی، صلاح خضری, 1390, Teach Listening Through Interactive Input Enhancement: Interactive focus on form and its role in EFL learners listening comprehension, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 4-جواد غلامی، ساناز نوزاد, 1390, Anxiety Level, Interviewers Gender and Interview Topic: Do they matter for EFL learners?, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 5-جواد غلامی، شادی نگهدار, 1390, EFL Teachers Beliefs and Practices on Code-switching: From Mother Tongue to Other Tongue, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 6-جواد غلامی، زینب عبداله پور, 1389, Multimedia Annotations and Vocabulary Learning: Enriching EFL learners vocabulary through still picture, dynamic picture, and written annotations, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 7-جواد غلامی، نسرین صداقت گفتار, 1389, Same Classes, Different Voices; Do Teachers Teach What Learners Want?: Correspondence Between Teachers Teaching Preferences and Learners Learning Preferences, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 8-جواد غلامی، مرتضی بصیریان, 1389, Incidental Focus on Form and Uptake: A New Visage of Learner- and Teacher-initiated Preemptive Focus on Form and Uptake in EFL Classes, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 9- 2009, Incidental Focus on Form in English Language Teaching. |
| | | Courses Taught (4) |
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| 1-PhD program in TEFL/TESOL, Methodology, Teacher Training & Education, English for Specific Courses,Department of English. | |
| 2-MA program in TEFL/TESOL, Methodology, Teaching Language Skills, Practicum, English for Specific Courses (ESP), English Language Teaching in Iran, Discourse Analysis, research Methods,Department of English. | |
| 3-BA program in English Language and Literature, Reading III, Media English, Essay Writing, Linguistics I & II, Methodology, Language Testing,Department of English. | |
| 4-BA program in TEFL /TESOL, Linguistics I & II Media English, Reading III, Teaching Young Learners Teaching Adult Learners, Practicum for Teaching Young Learners, Practicum for Teaching Adult Learners Materials Preparation and Analysis,Department of English. |
| | | Awards / Honours (8) |
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| 1-Javad Gholami, 2018, Honorary Doctorate Degree Award from Daugavpils University in recognition of my contribution to the flourishment of the Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability (JTES) as journal editor and the advancement of international collaboration in that university.,Daugavpils University. | |
| 2-Javad Gholami, 2000, awarded Full Scholarship from the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology and Urmia University for PhD Studies in TEFL/TESOL,Urmia University. | |
| 3-Javad Gholami, 2012, Distinguished Researcher of Urmia University,Urmia University. | |
| 4-Javad Gholami, 2006, Exceptionally Talented PhD Student of the University of Tabriz,University of Tabriz. | |
| 5-Javad Gholami, 2005, Exceptionally Talented PhD Student of the University of Tabriz,University of Tabriz. | |
| 6-Javad Gholami, 2000, Rank 1 in Qualifying Exam for Entrance into the PhD Program in TEFL/TESOL, University of Tabriz,University of Tabriz. | |
| 7-Javad Gholami, 1997, Rank 7 in Nationwide Qualifying Exam for Entrance into MA Program in TEFL/TESOL,Iranian Measurement Organization (Sanjesh). | |
| 8-Javad Gholami, 1992-2000, Awarded Scholarship from the Ministry of Education in BA and MA programs in TEFL/TESOL. |