• Name and Family
    • a.khosrowshahi
  • Degree
    • PHD
  • Academic Degree
    • Professor
  • Department
    • Department of Food Science and Technology
  • E-mail:
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     Research and Education Resume
رزومه فارسی
Journal Articles (19)
Conference Papers/Abstracts/Posters (3)
Research Projects (5)
  • Name and Family
  • a.khosrowshahi
  • Degree
  • PHD
  • Academic Degree
  • Professor
  • Department
  • Department of Food Science and Technology
  • E-mail:
  • a.khosrowshahi@urmia.ac.ir
     Research and Education Resume

Journal Articles (19)

1-N. Dardmeh, A. Khosrowshahi1, H. Almasi and M. Zandi., 2015, Study on effect of the polyethylene terephthalate/nanoclay nanocomposite film on the migration of terephthalic acid into the yoghurt drinks simulant.,Journal of Food Process Engineering.

2-Saina Moayedzadeh, Ashkan Madadlou, Asghar Khosrowshahi Asl., 2015, Formation mechanisms, handling and digestibility of food protein nanofibrils,Trends in Food Science and Technology.

3-اصغر خسروشاهی اصل, 2014, Development of a novel controlled-release nanocomposite based on poly (lactic acid) to increase the oxidative stability of soybean oil.,Food Additives and Contaminants.

4-اصغر خسروشاهی اصل, 2014, Enzymatic cross-linking of soy proteins within non-fat set yogurt gel,Journal of Dairy Research.

5-محمد شیرخانی، اشکان مددلو اصغر خسروشاهی اصل, 2014, Enzymatic modification to stabilize the fermented milk drink, Doogh,journal of texture studies.

6-اصغر خسروشاهی اصل, 2013, Texture and Chemistry of Iranian White Cheese as Influenced by Brine Treatments,Journal of Food Process Technology.

7-اصغر خسروشاهی اصل, 2013, Enzymatic cross-linking of whey proteins in low fat Iranian white cheese,International Dairy Journal.

8-اصغر خسروشاهی اصل, 2012, The influence of probiotic bacteria on the properties of Iranian white cheese,International J. of Dairy Technology.

9-اصغر خسروشاهی اصل, 2011, Rheological properties of acid casein gels made by acidification with glucono-?-lactone.,Milchwissenschaft • Milk Science International.

10- 2011, Survival of Lactobacillus casei. Lactobacillus plantarum and Bifidobacterium bifidum in free and microencapsulation forms on Iranian white cheese produce by ultrafiltration,International Jurnal of Dairy Technology.

11- 2009, Texture of Nonfat Yoghurt as Influenced by Whey Protein Concentrate and Gum Tragacanth as Fat Replacers,International Journal of Dairy Technology.

12- 2008, Whey Protein Concentrate and Gum Tragacanth as Fat Replacers in Nonfat Yogurt : Chemical,Physical , and Microstructural Properties,J.Dairy Sci.

13- 2007, Effect of Cream Homogenization on Textural Characteristics of Low-Fat Iranian White Cheese,International Dairy Journal.

14- 2007, Effect of Pre-and Postharvest Salicylic Acid Treatment on Ethylene Production, Fungal Decay and Overrall Quality of Selva Strawberry Fruit,Food Chemistry.

15- 2007, Control of Enzymatic Browing in Pear Slices by Using Ascorbic Acid,Juurnal of Agriculture Engineering Research.

16- 2006, Contribution of Rennet and starter to Proteolysis in iranian UF White Cheese,Lait.

17- 2006, Microstructure and Rheoloical Properties of Iranian White Cheese Coagulated at Various Temperatures,J. Dairy Science.

18- 2006, Monitoring the Chemical and Textural Changes During Ripening of Iranian Whit Cheese Made with Different Concentrations of Starter,J. Dairy Science.

19- 1386, کنترل قهوه ای شدن آنزیمی برگه های گلابی با استفاده از اسید سیتریک,مجله تحقیقات مهندسی کشاورزی.
Conference Papers/Abstracts/Posters (3)

1- 1386, Efffect of Chemical Intereterification on Minor Lipid,هفدهمین کنگره ملی صنایع غذایی.

2- 1389, Optimization of Polymeric Triiodide Membrane Electrode Based on Erythromycin Triidide Ion- Pair Using Experimental Design,نهمین کنفرانس دوسالانه الکتروشیمی ایران.

3- 2011, Study on interaction of commercial starter culture and Lactobacillus casei in Iranian white cheese produced using ultrafiltration technique,The 2nd International Congress of Food Hygiene, Tehran,Iran.
Research Projects (5)

1- 1386, Effect of Starter Concentration on Proteolysis and Textural Attributes of Iranian White Cheese.

2- 1384, Interesterification blend of tallow fat olive pomace oil and sunflower oils.

3- 1000, Investigation on the production of coloured & flavoured milk using natural coloring and flavouring substances.

4- 1391.

5- 1394.