| کریم صادقی استاد گروه زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه ارومیه از سال 1382 می باشد. هم چنین مدیر مسئول و سر دبیر مجله گروه زبان انگلیسی میباشد. 
نام و نام خانوادگی
مدرک تحصیلی |
درجه علمی |
بخش مربوطه
آدرس سایت
| | مقالات ژورنال (87) |
| |
| 1-کریم صادقی, 2103, Perception of Iranian High School EFL Teacers Students,3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of Language Studies. | |
| 2-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editing or revision: An examination of EFL teachers feedback on writing drafts,TELL. | |
| 3-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editorial,Procedia. | |
| 4-کریم صادقی, 2014, Burnout among English language teachers in Iran,Procedia. | |
| 5-کریم صادقی, 2014, Iranian universty studnets preferences of and attitudes to alternatives in assessment,Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. | |
| 6-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Methods of Research in second Language,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 7-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Narrative inqury in language teachng,IJLTR. | |
| 8-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Principles and Practice for repsonse in second langauge writing,Applied Linguistics. | |
| 9-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Second Language Acqusition,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 10-کریم صادقی, 2014, The effect of input source and EFL learners perceptions,International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning. | |
| 11-کریم صادقی, 2014, The effect of length of exposure to Computer based vocabulary activities,TPLS. | |
| 12-کریم صادقی, 2014, The relationship between semantic mapping instruction reading comprehension and recall,MEXTESOL. | |
| 13-کریم صادقی, 2014, The role of linguistic context in EFL vocabulary learning,GEMA online journal of language studies. | |
| 14-کریم صادقی, 2014, Two formats of word association tasks,ELT Journal. | |
| 15-کریم صادقی, 2014, The effect of type of corrective feedback on Iranian pre-intermediate,Journal of Applied Linguistcs and Discourse Analysis. | |
| 16-کریم صادقی, 2014, The impact of Iranian teachers cultural values on computer acceptance technology,TOJET. | |
| 17-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editorial IJLR 1401,IJLTR. | |
| 18-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editorial IJLTR 1402,IJLTR. | |
| 19-کریم صادقی, 2014, Phraze cloze: A better measure of reading?,The Reading Matrix. | |
| 20-کریم صادقی, 2013, A corpus based analysis of collocational errors,Journal of Teaching Language Skills. | |
| 21-کریم صادقی, 2013, Learners starting age of learning EFL,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 22-کریم صادقی, 2013, Modified output in task based EFL classes,Journal of Teaching Language Skills. | |
| 23-کریم صادقی, 2013, on grammar gainThe effect of length of exposure to CALL,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 24-کریم صادقی, 2013, Review of Exploring English Language Teaching,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 25-کریم صادقی, 2013, Self Peer and Teacher assessment,Studies in Second Language Learning and Teachiing. | |
| 26-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of post-teaching activity type on vocab learning,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 27-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of pre-reading discussions on word guessing ability,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 28-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of task complexity of the quality of argumentative writing,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 29-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of visually supported vocabulary instruction on vocab gain,MEX TESOL. | |
| 30-کریم صادقی, 2013, The key for holding a successful ELT Conference,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 31-کریم صادقی, 2013, The relationship between knowledge of collocations, speaking proficiency and oral use of collocatios,TELL. | |
| 32-کریم صادقی, 2013, The relationship between lexical diversity and genre,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 33-کریم صادقی, 2013, From EFL Classroom into the mainstream,International Journal of Society Culture and Language. | |
| 34-کریم صادقی, 2013, Doubts on the validity of correlation as a validation tool,Language Testing in Asia Journal. | |
| 35-کریم صادقی, 2013, Review of Double Talk,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching research. | |
| 36-کریم صادقی, 2012, An evaluation of EFL program objectives at tertiary level,ASEAN Journa lof Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. | |
| 37-Karim Sadeghim Sonur Esmaeili, 2012, Frequency of textual metadiscourse resources in two original and simplified novels,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 38-کریم صادقی, 2012, General and Specific Cognitive/metacognitive reading strategies,Journal of Language and Literature Education. | |
| 39-کریم صادقی, 2012, Glossing Mode in self-regulated vocabulary learning,The Journal or Asia TEFL. | |
| 40-کریم صادقی, 2012, Relationship between student self monitoring and type of feedback,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 41-کریم صادقی, 2012, Self-regulated vocabulary strategy use,MEX TESOL. | |
| 42-Sonur Esmaeili, Karim Sadeghi, 2012, Textual metadiscourse resources in original and simplified versions of Oliver Twist,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 43-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of gloss type and mode on reading comprehension,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 44-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of gloss type on vocab acquisition,Issues in Language Teaching. | |
| 45-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of self assessment on course acheivement,Language Testing in Asia Journal. | |
| 46-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of task complexity on lexical complexity and flunecy,International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literaure. | |
| 47-کریم صادقی, 2012, The relationship between multiple intelligence and writing ability,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 48-کریم صادقی, 2012, The role of context in the performance of Iran EFL learners in vocab tests,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 49-کریم صادقی, 2012, The role of task-supported language teaching in writing perfromance,3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language studies. | |
| 50-کریم صادقی, 2012, ies of research on second languageBook Review Extending the boundary,Modern Language Journal. | |
| 51-کریم صادقی, 2012, Review of Directions and Prospects for Educational Research,System. | |
| 52-کریم صادقی, 2012, Review of Second Dialect Acquisition,Canadian Journal of Linguistics. | |
| 53- 2011, Long-term aerobic exercise and omega-3 supplementation modulate,Nutrition and Metabolism. | |
| 54- 2011, A comparative study of refusal strategies used by Iranians and Americans,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 55-کریم صادقی فرید خان احمدی, 2011, Dynamic assessment of L2 grammar,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 56- 2011, Dynamic assessment of L2 grammar of Iranina EFL learners,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 57- 2011, Effects of note-taking training on reading comprehension and recall,The Reading Matrix. | |
| 58- 2011, The effect of teaching FSG on listening comprehension of Iranian Intermediate EFL learners,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 59-javad gholami karim sadeghi sanaz nozad, 2011, Interviewer s gender and interview topic in oral exams,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 60-کریم صادقی, 2011, Classroom Translation The calse of Iranian University srudents,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 61-karim sadeghi, 2011, Iranian EFL tecahers views on measuring reading comprehension,Journal of Teachning Language Skills. | |
| 62-کریم صادقی, 2011, Student centre cloze,3L Southeast Asian Journal of Language Studies. | |
| 63-karim sadeghi, 2011, Student-centred cloze: A new tool for measuring reading comprehension,3L: Southeast Asian Journal of Langiuage Studies. | |
| 64-کریم صادقی, 2010, Assessing reading comprehension from the perspective of test takers,Teaching English Language and Literature. | |
| 65-karim sadeghi, 2010, Assessing reading comprehension from the perspective of test-takers: a qualitative approach,Teaching English Language and Literature (TELL)j. | |
| 66- 2009, Characteristics of an Effective English Language Teacher as Perceived by Iranian Teachers and Learners of English,English Language Teaching. | |
| 67- 2009, Collocational Differences Between L1 and L2 : Implications for EFL Learners and Teachers,TESL Canada Journal/ Revue TESL DU Canada. | |
| 68- 2008, Measuring Reading Comprehension: the Judgmental Validity of Cloze Procedure,Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics. | |
| 69- 2007, Literature in Language Teaching and Learning,Reading in a Foreign Language. | |
| 70- 2007, Professional Materials,Journal of Adolescent &Adult Literacy. | |
| 71- 2006, Methods of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts,The Reading Matrix. | |
| 72- 2004, Researcher Research: An Alternative in Language Testing Research.,The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal. | |
| 73-کریم صادقی، 1392، بررسی نقش آموزش راهبردها،نقد زبان و ادبیات خارجی Critical Language and Literary Studies. | |
| 74- 1386, The Key for Successful Reader-writer Interaction: Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension in L2 Revisited,Asian EFL Journal. | |
| 75- 0، A Comparative Study of Refusal Strategies Used by Iranian and Americans،International Journal of Academic Reserch. | |
| 76- 0، Dynamic Assessment of L2 Grammer of Iranian EFL Learners: The Role of Mediated Learning Experience،International Journal of Academic Reserch. | |
| 77- 0، Assessing Reading Comprehension From the Perspective of Test- Takers : A Qualitative Approach،TELL. | |
| 78- 0، Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics،Canadian journal of LINGUISTICS. | |
| 79- 0، Cloze Validation Against IELTS Reading Paper: Doubts on Correlational Validation،Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. | |
| 80- 0، Henry Great Widdowson.،The Asian EFL Journal Quartery. | |
| 81- 0، Iranian EFL Teachers Views on Measuring Reading Comprehension،مجله آموزش مهارت های زبان. | |
| 82- 0، Measuring L2 Reading Ability: A Review of Common Tools،Ferdowsi Review. | |
| 83- 0، Metric Yardstick: the Status of EFL Research Evaluation in Iran،The Asia- Pacific Education Research. | |
| 84- 0، Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing،The Modern Language Lournal. | |
| 85- 0، The Effect of Teaching Finite State Grammer (FSG) on Listening Comprehension Ability of Iranian Intermediate FEL Learners،International Journal of Academic Reserch. | |
| 86- 0، The Process of Discourse Comprehension : Implications for Translation،مطالعات ترجمه. | |
| 87- 0، Translation، Interpretation or Composition: The Art of Transition،Translation Studies. |
| | | مقالات و خلاصه مقالات ارائه شده در همايش ها (40) |
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| 1- 2007, The Validity of Reading Tests in the Eyes of Test-Takers,15th European Conference on Reading. | |
| 2- 2010, Translation or Interpretation : the art of Transition,2nd International conference on Translation:. | |
| 3- 2006, What Does Student-Centred Cloze Measure?,10th International INGED Conference, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey. | |
| 4- 2007, Who Cares About Standards,4th AzETA Internatioal ELT Conference. | |
| 5- 1387, A Comparative Study of Relivent Clauses in Persian and English,15th World Congress of Aoolied Linguistics. | |
| 6- 1385, A Comparison Study of English and Farsi Collocations: Where do learner Poblems Lie?,Collocations and Idioms 1: The First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes. | |
| 7- 1389, assessing reading comprehension,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 8- 1385, Assessing Reading Comprehension: Insights from Test-Takers,21st world Congress on Reading, IRA, Hungary. | |
| 9- 1389, Assessing Reading Compresnion,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 10- 2010, Correlational Validation: What Are the Concerns?,8th International TELLSI Conference. | |
| 11- 2007, Defending the Professionality of Our Profession: How is Our Scholarship Judged?,Fourth Conference on in English Language Teaching in Iran. | |
| 12- 1385, Do language Teachers care about Testing Theories?,12th International TESOL Arabia Conference, United Arab Emirates, Dubai. | |
| 13- 1389, Dynamic assessment of grammar,TESOL Persia, Tehran,Iran. | |
| 14- 1390, EI, MI and writing ability,TELLSI 9, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 15- 1390, EI, MI and writing ability of Iranian EFL learners,TELLSI, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 16- 1390, Evaluated the evaluated,IELTI 6, Tehran,Iran. | |
| 17- 1390, Evaluating the evaluated,IELTI 6, Tehrna,Iran. | |
| 18- 1386, Introdcing a New Test: Student - Center Cloze,14th International TESOL Arabial Conference. | |
| 19- 2008, Introducing a New Test:Student-Centered Cloze,14th International TESOL Arabia Conference. | |
| 20- 2010, Patterns of Collocations in English and Persian: what is the Lesson?,The Tenth Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium. | |
| 21- 2004, Researcher Research: An Alternative in Language Testing Research.,First International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research(USA - Online). | |
| 22- 2006, Rethinking Correlational Validation.,The third TELLSI Conference,(Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran). | |
| 23- 2007, Rethinking Reliability: Is it a Test Charcteristic or an External One?,4th TELLSI Conference, Shiraz University, Iran. | |
| 24- 2010, Save the Language , Save the Nation,s Children: the Case of the Azeri in Iran,International Conference on Language Education and the Millennium Development Goals. | |
| 25- 1392, Self peer and teacher assessment,International Conference on Current Trneds in ELT, Urmia,Urmia. | |
| 26- 2002, Self-Research: A New Validation Tool in Language Testing,20th TESOL (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland). | |
| 27- 1385, Student-Centred Cloze: A New tool for Measuring Reading Comprehension?,2nd International ELT Conference, Famagusta, Cyprus. | |
| 28- 1387, The Art of Transitions: The Case of Iranian EFL learners,9th International Conference of ESSE. | |
| 29- 1387, The Effect of Semantic Mapping on Reading Comprehension,6th International Tellsi Conference. | |
| 30- 1389, The effect of semantic mapping on vocabulary,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 31- 1389, The effect of semantic mapping on vocabulaty,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 32- 1392, The effect of task complexity on qaullity of writing,International Conference on Current Trneds in ELT, Umia,Iran. | |
| 33- 1389, The Effect of Teaching Finite State Grammer (FSG) on Listening Comprehension Ability of Iranian Intermediate FEL Learners,The First Conference on ELT in the Islamic World. | |
| 34- 1390, The effect of visually supported teaching vocabulary,TELLSI 9, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 35- 1390, The effect of visually supported teaching vocabulary in young adults،,TELLSI 9, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 36- 1388, The Match Between EFL Objectives and Learners Achieve4ment in Iran,s Universities,Fifth Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran. | |
| 37- 1392, the relationship between collocational knowledge,speaking,International Conference on Current Trneds in ELT, Urmi,Iran. | |
| 38- 2009, The Relationship Between L1 and Conversational Implicature in English,First and Second Languages: Exploring the Relationship in Pedagogy- Related Contexts. | |
| 39- 2009, The Relationship Between Teachers/Learners Gender and Their Perception of an Effective English Language Teacher,1st International Conference CoLT. | |
| 40- 2009, The Status of Research Evaluation in Iran,s Higher Education System: Local Issue or International Concern?,European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). |
| | | کتاب های چاپ شده (12) |
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| 1-کریم صادقی بهاره فرضی زاده, 1390, Emotional intelligence, Multiple Intellogences and Academic Writing, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 2- 1383، کتاب آشنایی با عروض و قافیه. | |
| 3-کریم صادقی سارا نظرباعی, 2012, Finte state grammar and L2 listening comprehension, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 4-کریم صادقی اسماعیل فاضلی، 2011، Task-supported language teaching: Does it improve EFL writing and Grammar?، ناشر معتبر خارجی،تالیف. | |
| 5-کریم صادقی فاطمه پناهیفر, 2011, Collocational knowledge, use and oral proficiency of EFL learners: A corpus-based approach, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 6-کریم صادقی فرید خان اخمدی, 2011, Dynamic assessment of EFL grammar: The role of mediated experience in L2 learning, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 7- 2010, Ensuring Quality of ELT in Higher Education. | |
| 8- 2010, Getting the Most out of EFL Reading Comprehension. | |
| 9- 2009, Becoming an Effective EFL Teacher Living Up to the Expecations of L2 Learners and Teachers of English. | |
| 10- 2009, Effective EFL Reading Comprehension and Recall the Role of Note-Taking Strategy Training Using Graphic Organizers. | |
| 11- 2008, Review of second language classrooms. | |
| 12- 2007, Review of vocabulary Acquisition. |
| | | پروژه های تحقیقاتی (3) |
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| 1- 1390، مطالعه تفاوتهای موجود میان کلمات همنشین در فارسی و انگلیسی و تاثیر آن در یادگیری زبان آموزان،دانشگاه ارومیه، کاربردی. | |
| 2- 1390، بررسی نحوه ارزیابی پژوهش در رشته آموزش زبان انگلیسی در دانشگاهها و مراکز پژوهشی ایران،دانشگاه ارومیه، کاربردی. | |
| 3- 1390، ارزیابی کارایی تکنیک آماری همبستگی در تحقیقات اعتبارسنجی آزمونها،دانشگاه ارومیه، بنیادی. |
| | | پایان نامه ها (14) |
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| 1-شعله كارواني، 1390، Lexican densty and diversity in Iranian EFL learners writings، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 2-طيبه صمدي، 1390، The effect of pre-reading discussion on word guessing، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 3-دنيز عبداله زاده، 1390، The role of context i the performance of Iranian، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 4-بهاره فرضي زاده، 1390، رابطه هوش هيجاني ه.شهاي چندگانه و نوشتار، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 5-ساناز نوزتد، 1390، جنسيت مصاحبه كننده و موضوع آزمون، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 6-سارا نظرباغي، 1390، The effect of teaching finite state grammar of listening، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 7-دنيز عبداله زاده، 1390، نقش بافت كلام بر روي عملكرد زبان اموزان، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 8-طيبه صمدي، 1390، تاثير بحثهاي پيش خواني بر توانايي حدس كلمات، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 9-بهاره فرضي زاده، 1390، رابطه هوش هيجاني هوش هاي چندگانه، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 10-ساناز نوزاد، 1390، جنسيت مصاخبه كننده و م.ضوع در آزمونهاي شفاهي، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 11-اسماعيل فاضلي جو، 1389، تاثير مدل يادگيري فعاليتهاي زبان محور، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 12-فاطمه پناهي فر، 1389، رابطه دانش همايندهاي انگليسي، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 13-سارا نظرباغي، 1390، تاثير تدريس گرامرر اف جي اس روي مهارت شنيدن، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد-خارج از دانشگاه، استاد راهنما. | |
| 14-شعله كارواني، 1390، تراكم و تنوع لغوي در انواع نوشته هاي زبان آموزان، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. |
نام و نام خانوادگی
کریم صادقی
بخش مربوطه
گروه زبانهای خارجی
بیوگرافی کوتاه
| | کریم صادقی استاد گروه زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه ارومیه از سال 1382 می باشد. هم چنین مدیر مسئول و سر دبیر مجله گروه زبان انگلیسی میباشد. 
رزومه آموزشی و پژوهشی
| | مقالات ژورنال (87) |
| |
| 1-کریم صادقی, 2103, Perception of Iranian High School EFL Teacers Students,3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of Language Studies. | |
| 2-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editing or revision: An examination of EFL teachers feedback on writing drafts,TELL. | |
| 3-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editorial,Procedia. | |
| 4-کریم صادقی, 2014, Burnout among English language teachers in Iran,Procedia. | |
| 5-کریم صادقی, 2014, Iranian universty studnets preferences of and attitudes to alternatives in assessment,Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. | |
| 6-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Methods of Research in second Language,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 7-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Narrative inqury in language teachng,IJLTR. | |
| 8-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Principles and Practice for repsonse in second langauge writing,Applied Linguistics. | |
| 9-کریم صادقی, 2014, Review of Second Language Acqusition,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 10-کریم صادقی, 2014, The effect of input source and EFL learners perceptions,International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning. | |
| 11-کریم صادقی, 2014, The effect of length of exposure to Computer based vocabulary activities,TPLS. | |
| 12-کریم صادقی, 2014, The relationship between semantic mapping instruction reading comprehension and recall,MEXTESOL. | |
| 13-کریم صادقی, 2014, The role of linguistic context in EFL vocabulary learning,GEMA online journal of language studies. | |
| 14-کریم صادقی, 2014, Two formats of word association tasks,ELT Journal. | |
| 15-کریم صادقی, 2014, The effect of type of corrective feedback on Iranian pre-intermediate,Journal of Applied Linguistcs and Discourse Analysis. | |
| 16-کریم صادقی, 2014, The impact of Iranian teachers cultural values on computer acceptance technology,TOJET. | |
| 17-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editorial IJLR 1401,IJLTR. | |
| 18-کریم صادقی, 2014, Editorial IJLTR 1402,IJLTR. | |
| 19-کریم صادقی, 2014, Phraze cloze: A better measure of reading?,The Reading Matrix. | |
| 20-کریم صادقی, 2013, A corpus based analysis of collocational errors,Journal of Teaching Language Skills. | |
| 21-کریم صادقی, 2013, Learners starting age of learning EFL,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 22-کریم صادقی, 2013, Modified output in task based EFL classes,Journal of Teaching Language Skills. | |
| 23-کریم صادقی, 2013, on grammar gainThe effect of length of exposure to CALL,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 24-کریم صادقی, 2013, Review of Exploring English Language Teaching,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 25-کریم صادقی, 2013, Self Peer and Teacher assessment,Studies in Second Language Learning and Teachiing. | |
| 26-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of post-teaching activity type on vocab learning,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 27-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of pre-reading discussions on word guessing ability,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 28-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of task complexity of the quality of argumentative writing,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 29-کریم صادقی, 2013, The effect of visually supported vocabulary instruction on vocab gain,MEX TESOL. | |
| 30-کریم صادقی, 2013, The key for holding a successful ELT Conference,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research. | |
| 31-کریم صادقی, 2013, The relationship between knowledge of collocations, speaking proficiency and oral use of collocatios,TELL. | |
| 32-کریم صادقی, 2013, The relationship between lexical diversity and genre,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 33-کریم صادقی, 2013, From EFL Classroom into the mainstream,International Journal of Society Culture and Language. | |
| 34-کریم صادقی, 2013, Doubts on the validity of correlation as a validation tool,Language Testing in Asia Journal. | |
| 35-کریم صادقی, 2013, Review of Double Talk,Iranian Journal of Language Teaching research. | |
| 36-کریم صادقی, 2012, An evaluation of EFL program objectives at tertiary level,ASEAN Journa lof Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. | |
| 37-Karim Sadeghim Sonur Esmaeili, 2012, Frequency of textual metadiscourse resources in two original and simplified novels,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 38-کریم صادقی, 2012, General and Specific Cognitive/metacognitive reading strategies,Journal of Language and Literature Education. | |
| 39-کریم صادقی, 2012, Glossing Mode in self-regulated vocabulary learning,The Journal or Asia TEFL. | |
| 40-کریم صادقی, 2012, Relationship between student self monitoring and type of feedback,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 41-کریم صادقی, 2012, Self-regulated vocabulary strategy use,MEX TESOL. | |
| 42-Sonur Esmaeili, Karim Sadeghi, 2012, Textual metadiscourse resources in original and simplified versions of Oliver Twist,Journal of Language Teaching and Research. | |
| 43-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of gloss type and mode on reading comprehension,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 44-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of gloss type on vocab acquisition,Issues in Language Teaching. | |
| 45-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of self assessment on course acheivement,Language Testing in Asia Journal. | |
| 46-کریم صادقی, 2012, The effect of task complexity on lexical complexity and flunecy,International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literaure. | |
| 47-کریم صادقی, 2012, The relationship between multiple intelligence and writing ability,English Language Teaching Journal. | |
| 48-کریم صادقی, 2012, The role of context in the performance of Iran EFL learners in vocab tests,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 49-کریم صادقی, 2012, The role of task-supported language teaching in writing perfromance,3L The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language studies. | |
| 50-کریم صادقی, 2012, ies of research on second languageBook Review Extending the boundary,Modern Language Journal. | |
| 51-کریم صادقی, 2012, Review of Directions and Prospects for Educational Research,System. | |
| 52-کریم صادقی, 2012, Review of Second Dialect Acquisition,Canadian Journal of Linguistics. | |
| 53- 2011, Long-term aerobic exercise and omega-3 supplementation modulate,Nutrition and Metabolism. | |
| 54- 2011, A comparative study of refusal strategies used by Iranians and Americans,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 55-کریم صادقی فرید خان احمدی, 2011, Dynamic assessment of L2 grammar,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 56- 2011, Dynamic assessment of L2 grammar of Iranina EFL learners,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 57- 2011, Effects of note-taking training on reading comprehension and recall,The Reading Matrix. | |
| 58- 2011, The effect of teaching FSG on listening comprehension of Iranian Intermediate EFL learners,International Journal of Academic Research. | |
| 59-javad gholami karim sadeghi sanaz nozad, 2011, Interviewer s gender and interview topic in oral exams,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 60-کریم صادقی, 2011, Classroom Translation The calse of Iranian University srudents,Theory and Practice in Language Studies. | |
| 61-karim sadeghi, 2011, Iranian EFL tecahers views on measuring reading comprehension,Journal of Teachning Language Skills. | |
| 62-کریم صادقی, 2011, Student centre cloze,3L Southeast Asian Journal of Language Studies. | |
| 63-karim sadeghi, 2011, Student-centred cloze: A new tool for measuring reading comprehension,3L: Southeast Asian Journal of Langiuage Studies. | |
| 64-کریم صادقی, 2010, Assessing reading comprehension from the perspective of test takers,Teaching English Language and Literature. | |
| 65-karim sadeghi, 2010, Assessing reading comprehension from the perspective of test-takers: a qualitative approach,Teaching English Language and Literature (TELL)j. | |
| 66- 2009, Characteristics of an Effective English Language Teacher as Perceived by Iranian Teachers and Learners of English,English Language Teaching. | |
| 67- 2009, Collocational Differences Between L1 and L2 : Implications for EFL Learners and Teachers,TESL Canada Journal/ Revue TESL DU Canada. | |
| 68- 2008, Measuring Reading Comprehension: the Judgmental Validity of Cloze Procedure,Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics. | |
| 69- 2007, Literature in Language Teaching and Learning,Reading in a Foreign Language. | |
| 70- 2007, Professional Materials,Journal of Adolescent &Adult Literacy. | |
| 71- 2006, Methods of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts,The Reading Matrix. | |
| 72- 2004, Researcher Research: An Alternative in Language Testing Research.,The Reading Matrix: An International Online Journal. | |
| 73-کریم صادقی، 1392، بررسی نقش آموزش راهبردها،نقد زبان و ادبیات خارجی Critical Language and Literary Studies. | |
| 74- 1386, The Key for Successful Reader-writer Interaction: Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension in L2 Revisited,Asian EFL Journal. | |
| 75- 0، A Comparative Study of Refusal Strategies Used by Iranian and Americans،International Journal of Academic Reserch. | |
| 76- 0، Dynamic Assessment of L2 Grammer of Iranian EFL Learners: The Role of Mediated Learning Experience،International Journal of Academic Reserch. | |
| 77- 0، Assessing Reading Comprehension From the Perspective of Test- Takers : A Qualitative Approach،TELL. | |
| 78- 0، Case Study Research in Applied Linguistics،Canadian journal of LINGUISTICS. | |
| 79- 0، Cloze Validation Against IELTS Reading Paper: Doubts on Correlational Validation،Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. | |
| 80- 0، Henry Great Widdowson.،The Asian EFL Journal Quartery. | |
| 81- 0، Iranian EFL Teachers Views on Measuring Reading Comprehension،مجله آموزش مهارت های زبان. | |
| 82- 0، Measuring L2 Reading Ability: A Review of Common Tools،Ferdowsi Review. | |
| 83- 0، Metric Yardstick: the Status of EFL Research Evaluation in Iran،The Asia- Pacific Education Research. | |
| 84- 0، Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing،The Modern Language Lournal. | |
| 85- 0، The Effect of Teaching Finite State Grammer (FSG) on Listening Comprehension Ability of Iranian Intermediate FEL Learners،International Journal of Academic Reserch. | |
| 86- 0، The Process of Discourse Comprehension : Implications for Translation،مطالعات ترجمه. | |
| 87- 0، Translation، Interpretation or Composition: The Art of Transition،Translation Studies. |
| | | مقالات و خلاصه مقالات ارائه شده در همايش ها (40) |
| |
| 1- 2007, The Validity of Reading Tests in the Eyes of Test-Takers,15th European Conference on Reading. | |
| 2- 2010, Translation or Interpretation : the art of Transition,2nd International conference on Translation:. | |
| 3- 2006, What Does Student-Centred Cloze Measure?,10th International INGED Conference, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey. | |
| 4- 2007, Who Cares About Standards,4th AzETA Internatioal ELT Conference. | |
| 5- 1387, A Comparative Study of Relivent Clauses in Persian and English,15th World Congress of Aoolied Linguistics. | |
| 6- 1385, A Comparison Study of English and Farsi Collocations: Where do learner Poblems Lie?,Collocations and Idioms 1: The First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes. | |
| 7- 1389, assessing reading comprehension,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 8- 1385, Assessing Reading Comprehension: Insights from Test-Takers,21st world Congress on Reading, IRA, Hungary. | |
| 9- 1389, Assessing Reading Compresnion,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 10- 2010, Correlational Validation: What Are the Concerns?,8th International TELLSI Conference. | |
| 11- 2007, Defending the Professionality of Our Profession: How is Our Scholarship Judged?,Fourth Conference on in English Language Teaching in Iran. | |
| 12- 1385, Do language Teachers care about Testing Theories?,12th International TESOL Arabia Conference, United Arab Emirates, Dubai. | |
| 13- 1389, Dynamic assessment of grammar,TESOL Persia, Tehran,Iran. | |
| 14- 1390, EI, MI and writing ability,TELLSI 9, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 15- 1390, EI, MI and writing ability of Iranian EFL learners,TELLSI, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 16- 1390, Evaluated the evaluated,IELTI 6, Tehran,Iran. | |
| 17- 1390, Evaluating the evaluated,IELTI 6, Tehrna,Iran. | |
| 18- 1386, Introdcing a New Test: Student - Center Cloze,14th International TESOL Arabial Conference. | |
| 19- 2008, Introducing a New Test:Student-Centered Cloze,14th International TESOL Arabia Conference. | |
| 20- 2010, Patterns of Collocations in English and Persian: what is the Lesson?,The Tenth Language, Literature and Stylistics Symposium. | |
| 21- 2004, Researcher Research: An Alternative in Language Testing Research.,First International Online Conference on Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Research(USA - Online). | |
| 22- 2006, Rethinking Correlational Validation.,The third TELLSI Conference,(Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran). | |
| 23- 2007, Rethinking Reliability: Is it a Test Charcteristic or an External One?,4th TELLSI Conference, Shiraz University, Iran. | |
| 24- 2010, Save the Language , Save the Nation,s Children: the Case of the Azeri in Iran,International Conference on Language Education and the Millennium Development Goals. | |
| 25- 1392, Self peer and teacher assessment,International Conference on Current Trneds in ELT, Urmia,Urmia. | |
| 26- 2002, Self-Research: A New Validation Tool in Language Testing,20th TESOL (University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland). | |
| 27- 1385, Student-Centred Cloze: A New tool for Measuring Reading Comprehension?,2nd International ELT Conference, Famagusta, Cyprus. | |
| 28- 1387, The Art of Transitions: The Case of Iranian EFL learners,9th International Conference of ESSE. | |
| 29- 1387, The Effect of Semantic Mapping on Reading Comprehension,6th International Tellsi Conference. | |
| 30- 1389, The effect of semantic mapping on vocabulary,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 31- 1389, The effect of semantic mapping on vocabulaty,FLLT, Bangkok,Thailand. | |
| 32- 1392, The effect of task complexity on qaullity of writing,International Conference on Current Trneds in ELT, Umia,Iran. | |
| 33- 1389, The Effect of Teaching Finite State Grammer (FSG) on Listening Comprehension Ability of Iranian Intermediate FEL Learners,The First Conference on ELT in the Islamic World. | |
| 34- 1390, The effect of visually supported teaching vocabulary,TELLSI 9, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 35- 1390, The effect of visually supported teaching vocabulary in young adults،,TELLSI 9, Ilam,Iran. | |
| 36- 1388, The Match Between EFL Objectives and Learners Achieve4ment in Iran,s Universities,Fifth Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran. | |
| 37- 1392, the relationship between collocational knowledge,speaking,International Conference on Current Trneds in ELT, Urmi,Iran. | |
| 38- 2009, The Relationship Between L1 and Conversational Implicature in English,First and Second Languages: Exploring the Relationship in Pedagogy- Related Contexts. | |
| 39- 2009, The Relationship Between Teachers/Learners Gender and Their Perception of an Effective English Language Teacher,1st International Conference CoLT. | |
| 40- 2009, The Status of Research Evaluation in Iran,s Higher Education System: Local Issue or International Concern?,European Conference on Educational Research (ECER). |
| | | کتاب های چاپ شده (12) |
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| 1-کریم صادقی بهاره فرضی زاده, 1390, Emotional intelligence, Multiple Intellogences and Academic Writing, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 2- 1383، کتاب آشنایی با عروض و قافیه. | |
| 3-کریم صادقی سارا نظرباعی, 2012, Finte state grammar and L2 listening comprehension, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 4-کریم صادقی اسماعیل فاضلی، 2011، Task-supported language teaching: Does it improve EFL writing and Grammar?، ناشر معتبر خارجی،تالیف. | |
| 5-کریم صادقی فاطمه پناهیفر, 2011, Collocational knowledge, use and oral proficiency of EFL learners: A corpus-based approach, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 6-کریم صادقی فرید خان اخمدی, 2011, Dynamic assessment of EFL grammar: The role of mediated experience in L2 learning, ناشر معتبر خارجی,تالیف. | |
| 7- 2010, Ensuring Quality of ELT in Higher Education. | |
| 8- 2010, Getting the Most out of EFL Reading Comprehension. | |
| 9- 2009, Becoming an Effective EFL Teacher Living Up to the Expecations of L2 Learners and Teachers of English. | |
| 10- 2009, Effective EFL Reading Comprehension and Recall the Role of Note-Taking Strategy Training Using Graphic Organizers. | |
| 11- 2008, Review of second language classrooms. | |
| 12- 2007, Review of vocabulary Acquisition. |
| | | پروژه های تحقیقاتی (3) |
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| 1- 1390، مطالعه تفاوتهای موجود میان کلمات همنشین در فارسی و انگلیسی و تاثیر آن در یادگیری زبان آموزان،دانشگاه ارومیه، کاربردی. | |
| 2- 1390، بررسی نحوه ارزیابی پژوهش در رشته آموزش زبان انگلیسی در دانشگاهها و مراکز پژوهشی ایران،دانشگاه ارومیه، کاربردی. | |
| 3- 1390، ارزیابی کارایی تکنیک آماری همبستگی در تحقیقات اعتبارسنجی آزمونها،دانشگاه ارومیه، بنیادی. |
| | | پایان نامه ها (14) |
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| 1-شعله كارواني، 1390، Lexican densty and diversity in Iranian EFL learners writings، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 2-طيبه صمدي، 1390، The effect of pre-reading discussion on word guessing، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 3-دنيز عبداله زاده، 1390، The role of context i the performance of Iranian، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 4-بهاره فرضي زاده، 1390، رابطه هوش هيجاني ه.شهاي چندگانه و نوشتار، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 5-ساناز نوزتد، 1390، جنسيت مصاحبه كننده و موضوع آزمون، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 6-سارا نظرباغي، 1390، The effect of teaching finite state grammar of listening، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 7-دنيز عبداله زاده، 1390، نقش بافت كلام بر روي عملكرد زبان اموزان، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 8-طيبه صمدي، 1390، تاثير بحثهاي پيش خواني بر توانايي حدس كلمات، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 9-بهاره فرضي زاده، 1390، رابطه هوش هيجاني هوش هاي چندگانه، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 10-ساناز نوزاد، 1390، جنسيت مصاخبه كننده و م.ضوع در آزمونهاي شفاهي، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 11-اسماعيل فاضلي جو، 1389، تاثير مدل يادگيري فعاليتهاي زبان محور، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 12-فاطمه پناهي فر، 1389، رابطه دانش همايندهاي انگليسي، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. | |
| 13-سارا نظرباغي، 1390، تاثير تدريس گرامرر اف جي اس روي مهارت شنيدن، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد-خارج از دانشگاه، استاد راهنما. | |
| 14-شعله كارواني، 1390، تراكم و تنوع لغوي در انواع نوشته هاي زبان آموزان، پایان نامه كارشناسي ارشد، استاد راهنما. |