| 1- 2021, Broadband circularly polarized crossed-dipole antenna and its array for long-term evolution communication systems,international journal of RF and microwave computer aided. |
| 2- 2021, UWB dual-notched planar antenna by utilizing compact open meander slitted EBG structure,International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). |
| 3- 2020, Complete Performance Analysis of Underwater VLC Diffusion Adaptive Networks,Journal of Communication Engineering. |
| 4-Wideband circularly polarized antenna with metallic walls for L-band applications, 2021,Circuit World. |
| 5- 2021, Multiband and multifunctional polarization converter using an asymmetric metasurface,Scientific Reports. |
| 6- 2021, Toward Wideband Frequency Rejection: An Efficient Frequency Selective Scheme,ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETICS,. |
| 7- 2021, Compact CPW-Fed Antenna for Enhanced UWB Applications,Advanced Electromagnetics. |
| 8- 2021, Dual-band magneto-electric dipole antenna with high-gain for base-station applications,International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). |
| 9- 2020, Four-element MIMO antenna for X-band applications,International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. |
| 10- 2020, Unified Inter-Letter Steganographic Algorithm, A Text-based Data Hiding Method,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology,. |
| 11- 2020, A Novel Eye-shaped Monopole Antenna for Wideband and 5G Applications,IETE Journal of Research. |
| 12- 2020, Metasurfaces for Wideband and Efficient Polarization Rotation,Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. |
| 13- 2020, Square Monopole Antenna Application in Localization of Tumors in Three Dimensions by Confocal Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer Detection: Experimental Measurement,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 14- 2020, Implementation of a New and Modified Scheme of Butler Matrix for C-Band Applications with Enhanced Characteristics,RADIOENGINEERING. |
| 15- 2020, Size Miniaturized Coaxial Probe Fed Antenna for Multiband Applications,ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETICS,. |
| 16- 2020, Circularly polarized printed crossed-dipole antenna using branch-line feed network for GPS applications,(International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEÜ). |
| 17- 2020, Circularly Polarized Printed Helix Antenna for L- and S-Bands Applications,RADIOENGINEERING. |
| 18- 2019, A broadband dual-polarized antenna with irregular polygon patches and trapezoidal coupling plates,Microw Opt Technol Lett. |
| 19- 2019, Theoretical Performance Analysis of Sparse System Identification Using Incremental and Diffusion Strategies Over Adaptive Networks,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 20- 2019, Convergence Analysis of Diffusion Adaptive Networks Working Through Free Space Optical Communication Channels,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 21- 2020, Theoretical Analysis of the Underwater Incremental Adaptive Network Performance Based on the VLC Technology,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 22- 2019, Asymmetric circularly polarized open-slot antenna,Int J RF Microw Comput Aided Eng. |
| 23- 2019, Impacts of the Negative-exponential and the K-distribution modeled FSO turbulent links on the theoretical and simulated performance of the distributed diffusion networks,Journal of Communication Engineering. |
| 24- 2020, Broadband printed MIMO dipole antenna for 2.4 GHz WLAN applications,journal of instrumentation. |
| 25- 2019, Compact broadband circularly polarized printed antenna with a shifted monopole and modified ground plane,Journal of Instrumentation. |
| 26- 2019, Compact and Miniaturized Metamaterial-Based Microstrip Fractal Antenna with Reconfigurable Qualification,AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. |
| 27- 2019, The node distance effects on the performance of the underwater VLC incremental adaptive networks,journal of modern optics. |
| 28- 2019, SAR Enhancement of Slot Microstrip Antenna by Using Silicon Layer in Hyperthermia Applications,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 29- 2019, Triple-band operation achievement via multi-input multi-output antenna for wireless communication system applications,International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. |
| 30- 2019, Grounded Coplanar Waveguide-fed Compact MIMO Antenna for Wireless Portable Applications,Radioengineering. |
| 31- 2019, A dual-wideband bi-layered chiral metamaterial to develop crosspolarization conversion and asymmetric transmission functionalities for the inearly polarized electromagnetic waves,AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. |
| 32- 2019, Simple circularly polarized planar monopole inverted T-shaped antenna,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 33- 2019, High Inter-Element Isolation and WLAN Filtering Mechanism: A Compact MIMO Antenna Scheme,AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications. |
| 34- 2018, Incremental adaptive networks implemented by free space optical (FSO) communication,Journal of Communication Engineering. |
| 35- 2019, Circular polarization realization in array antennas by a modified sequential phase feeding mechanism of linearly polarized elements,International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. |
| 36- 2019, On Effect of Planar Scaling on Microstrip Patch Antenna Performance,ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETICS. |
| 37- 2018, High efficient multi-bands circular polarization convertor based on spoof surface plasmon polariton,Microw Opt Technol Lett.. |
| 38- 2019, Miniaturised UWB antenna with dual-band rejection of WLAN/WiMAX using slitted EBG structure,IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. |
| 39- 2019, Unidirectional Planar Monopole Antenna Using a Quasi-Radiator,IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. |
| 40- 2019, Time-domain properties of dual-band-notched circle-like slot antenna in indoor environments,ELECTRONICS LETTERS. |
| 41- 2019, A compact low-side lobes three-layer array antenna for X-band applications,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 42- 2019, On development of a MIMO antenna for coupling reduction and WiMAX suppression purposes,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 43- 2019, Multilayered Maxwell’s fisheye lens as waveguide crossing,Optics Communications. |
| 44- 2019, A bi-layered chiral metamaterial with high-performance broadband asymmetric transmission of linearly polarized wave,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 45- 2018, A novel printed small antenna with L-shaped structure for multiband applications,Jinst. |
| 46- 2018, Photonic crystal waveguide intersection design based on Maxwell’s fish-eye lens,Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications. |
| 47- 2018, A compact WiMAX band Notched UWB MIMO antenna with High isolation,RADIOENGINEERING. |
| 48- 2018, Effect of Substrate Scaling on Microstrip Patch Antenna Performance,ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETICS. |
| 49- 2018, A Compact Multi-Band MIMO Antenna with High Isolation for C and X Bands Using Defected Ground Structure,RADIOENGINEERING. |
| 50- 2018, Study on frequency and impulse response of novel triple band notched UWB antenna in indoor environments,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 51- 2018, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System approach in bandwidth and mutual coupling analyses of a novel UWB MIMO antenna with notch bands applicable for massive MIMOs,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 52- 2018, Aperture Efficiency Study of Square Reflect Array Antennas,Wireless Engineering and Technology. |
| 53- 2018, Study of Phase and Patterns Characteristics of a Sub-Wavelength Broadband Reflectarray Unit Element Based on Triple Concentric Circular-Rings,ACES JOURNAL. |
| 54- 2018, Electromechanical Beamsteering Reflectarray Antenna for X-band Applications,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 55- 2018, Circularly polarized antenna array with a new sequential phase feed network utilizing directional coupler,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 56- 2018, Enhanced Reflectarray Antenna Using Elements With Reduced Reflection Phase Sensitivity,IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. |
| 57- 2018, Targeting Wideband Circular Polarization: An Efficient 2×2 Sequentially-Phase-Fed Rotated Array Antenna,RADIOENGINEERING. |
| 58- 2018, An explicit single-layer frequency selective surface design with wide stop band frequency response,International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. |
| 59- 2018, Sparse Spectrum Sensing using Improved Sparsity aware Diffusion Adaptive Algorithms over Small Cell Networks,IJMEC. |
| 60- 2018, Incorporated substrate integrated waveguide filters in propagative and evanescent mode: Realization and comparison,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 61- 2018, Broadband circularly polarized slot antenna arrays using linked elliptical slots for C- and X-band applications,International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. |
| 62- 2018, Miniaturized printed monopole antenna with a linked ground plane and radiator,Electronics Letters. |
| 63- 2018, Non-stationary Sparse Fading Channel Estimation for Next Generation Mobile Systems,KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS. |
| 64- 2018, A high gain dual-band printed antenna for LTE base stations with a corner reflector,Int. J. Electron. Commun. (AEU). |
| 65- 2018, A Sub-Wavelength Polarized Insensitive X-Band Based on Interleaved Concept,International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU). |
| 66- 2017, WiMAX, WLAN, and X band Filtering Mechanism: Simple-Structured Triple-Band Frequency Selective Surface,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 67- 2017, Wideband Compact Circularly polarized Sequentially Rotated Array Antenna with Sequential-Phase Feed Network,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 68- 2017, Realization of dielectric loaded waveguide filter with substrate integrated waveguide technique based on incorporation of two substrates with different relative permittivity,International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU) . |
| 69- 2017, Non-stationary Channel Estimation with Diffusion Adaptation Strategies Over Distributed Networks,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 70- 2017, Improve and Remove Noise from Heart Signal Using Adaptive Filters,Journal of Knowledge Based Engineering and Innovation (JKBEI). |
| 71- 2017, A reconfigurable frequency selective surface for dual-mode multi-band filtering applications,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS. |
| 73- 2017, A Compact Array Antenna: Explicit Design for C and X Band Applications,RADIOENGINEERING. |
| 74- 2017, The Optimization Design of a Novel Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna with Multi-Bands Using Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System,Technologies. |
| 75- 2017, High Gain Modified Dual-Circularly polarized Array Antenna,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 76- 2017, Ultra Wide Band Electromagnetic Shielding Through a Simple Layer Frequency Selective Surface,Wireless Personal Communications. |
| 77- 2017, A Multiband circularly polarized antenna with simple Structure for Wireless Communication System,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 78- 2017, A Broad-band Circularly Polarized CavityBacked Archimedean Spiral Array Antenna for CBand Applications,AEU. |
| 79- 2017, A Band Notched Square Monopole Antenna Designed for Bandwidth Enhancement in UWB Applications,ACES JORNAL. |
| 80- 2017, Compact Broad Band-Stop Filter with Circular Fractal-Shaped for X-Band Radar Applications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 81- 2017, A Novel UWB Monopole Antenna with Controllable Band-Notch Characteristics,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 82- 2016, Circularly Polarized Microstrip-Fed Slot Array Antennas based on Linearly Polarized Single Elements,RADIO ENGINEERING. |
| 83- 2016, Non-stationary Sparse System Identification over Adaptive Sensor Networks with Diffusion and Incremental Strategies,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION and COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH (IJICTR)
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| 85- 2016, A Novel Tunable Graphene Based Terahertz Absorber with Polarization Insensivity,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL . |
| 86- 2016, A Compact Design and New Structure of Monopole Antenna with Dual Band Notch Characteristic for UWB Applications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL . |
| 87- 2016, Quadruple filtering mechanism through an effective sketch of reconfigurable frequency selective surface,IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. |
| 88- 2016, Square Slot Antenna with Two Spiral Slots Loaded for Broadband Circular Polarization,ELETRONIC LETTERS. |
| 89- 2016, Design of Compact Navel Dual Band BPF Using Open Loop Dumbbell Shaped Defected Ground Structure and Step Impedance Cross Shaped Lines with Independently Controllable Frequencies and Bandwidths,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 90- 2016, Novel single layer reconfigurable frequency selective surface with UWB and multi-band modes of operation,International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU). |
| 91- 2015, A Design of Ring-Shaped Dual-Band/Multiband Circularly polarized Microstrip Antenna Based on Slots Mutual Coupling,International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Cambridge University Press and the European Microwave Association
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| 92- 2015, Novel CPW-fed antenna for dual frequency band notch applications evaluated in AHP framework,Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems. |
| 93- 2015, Tracking performance of incremental LMS algorithm over adaptive distributed sensor networks,Journal of Communication Engineering (JCE) . |
| 94- 2013, A novel UWB CPW-fed ring-shaped antenna with band-notched characteristics,Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences . |
| 95- 2013, Compact CPW-Fed Antenna with Circular Polarization Characteristics in WLAN Frequency Band,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL . |
| 96- 2013, Design and Analysis of the Stub and Radial-stub Loaded Resonator Band-Pass Filter with Cross-Shaped Coupled Feed-Lines for UWB Applications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL . |
| 97- 2013, Omni-Directional/Multi-Resonance CPW-Fed Small Slot Antenna for UWB Applications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL . |
| 98- 2013, Broadband Circularly Polarized Slot Antenna Array Using Sequentially Rotated Technique for C-Band Applications,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 99- 2012, Square Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications with Novel Rod-Shaped Parasitic Structures and Novel V-Shaped Slots in the Ground Plane,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 100- 2011, A Novel Dual-Band Printed Diversity Antenna for 2.4/5.2 GHz WLAN Applications,IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING. |
| 101- 2011, Compact CPW-fed rotated square-shaped patch slot antenna with band-notched function for UWB applications,Electronics Letters. |
| 102- 2011, A Novel Approach in RF-MEMS Switch Analysis Using Time Domain TLM Method,Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications (JEMAA). |
| 103- 2011, Mutual Coupling Reduction Between Very Closely Spaced patch Antennas Using Low-Profile Folded Split-Ring Resonator,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 104- 2011, Broadband CPW-Fed Circularly Polarized Square Slot Antenna with Three Inverted-L-Shape Grounded Strips,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 105- 2011, Compact CPW-Fed Printed Monopole Antenna with Super-Wideband Performance ,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 106- 2011, Multiband Printed Dipole Antenna with Log-Priodic Toothed Structure for WLAN/WiMAX Applications,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 107- 2011, A New Compact Planar UWB Monopole Antenna,International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering. |
| 108- 2010, Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm with Increased Speed and Improved Reliability for Smart Antennas,Computer and Electrical Engineering ELSEVIER. |
| 109- 2010, Band-Notched UWB BPF Design Using Parasitic Coupled Line,IEEE Microwave and Wireless Component Letters. |
| 110- 2010, Circular Multifractal UWB Monopole Antenna,IEICE Electronics Express. |
| 111- 2010, Compact Elliptic Function Lowpass Filter Based on Defected Ground Structure,IEICE Electronics Express. |
| 112- 2010, Improve RADAR Waveform Metrics Using Lorenz Based Method,International Review of Electrical Engineering. |
| 113- 2010, An Ultra-Wideband Polygon-Like Wide-Slot Antenna with a Fork-Like Stub,Technical Feature. |
| 114- 2009, Improve RADAR Waveform Metrics Using Lorenz Based Method,International Review of Electrical Engineering. |
| 115- 2009, Circular Multifractal UWB Monopole antenna,IEICE electronics Express. |
| 116- 2009, Band-Notched UWB BPF Design using Parasitic Coupled line,IEEE MICROWAVE and WIRELESS components letters. |
| 117- 2009, Compact Elliptic Function Lowpass Filter Based on Defected Ground Structure,IEICE Electronics Express. |
| 118- 2009, Electromagnetically Coupled WLAN/WiMAX Antenna,IEICE Electronics Express. |
| 119- 2009, Adaptive Beamforming Algorithm with Increased Speed and Improved Reliability for Smart Antennas,Computers and Electrical Engineering. |
| 120- 2009, Band-Notched Ultra-wideband Printed Open-Slot Antenna Using Variable on-Ground Slits,Electronics Letters. |
| 121- 2009, Small Square Monopole Antenna with Inverted T-Shaped Notch in the Ground Plane for UWB Application,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 122- 2009, Bandwidth Enhancement of Novel Compact Single and Dual Band-Notched Printed Monopole Antenna with a Pair of L-Shaped Slots,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. |
| 123- 2009, A Novel Technique for Rejecting the WLAN and WiMAX Bands in Ultrawideband Antenna,International Review of Electrical Engineering. |
| 124- 2009, Interal Multiband PIFA Antenna for GPS/DCS/PCS/UMTS/WLAN Operation in the Mobile Device,IEICE Electronics Express. |
| 125- 2008, An Improvement for Fdtd Analysis of Thin -Slot Problems,Progress in Electromagnetics Research. |
| 126- 2008, Design of a Microstrip Slot Antenna Filled by an Isosceles Triangele for UWB Application,j. of Electromagnetic waves and App.. |
| 127- 2008, A Practical Miniaturized U-Slot Patch Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth,Journal of Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER-B). |
| 128- 2007, New Multilayer Microstrip Antennas for Ultra Wideband Applications,Far East Journal Appl. Math.. |
| 129- 2006, Antenna Design for Ultra Wideband Application Using a New Multilayer Structure,Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER. |
| 130- 2006, A Novel Analysis of Minkowski Eractal Microstrip Patch Antenna,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. |
| 131- 2005, New forms of cumulative probability distribution and their applications in communications,IEE Proceedings Communications. |
| 132- 2005, Crosstalk Identification and Cancellation Algorithm in XDS Systems,WSEAS Transactions on Electronics. |
| 133- 2004, Dual-Frequency Probe-Fed Rectangular Microstrip Antenna Optimization Using a Fuzzy Approach,WSEAS Transactions on Systems. |
| 134- 2015, Compact Band Stop Filter for X-Band Transciever in Radar Applications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetic Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 135- 2015, A Compact CPW-Fed Circularly Polarized Square Slot Antenna for UWB Applicatins,Journal of Renewable Natural Resources Bhutan (JRNRB). |
| 136- 2015, Compact Circularly Polarized Slot Antenna with a Wide Impedance Bandwidth for VSWR Less Than 1.5,International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences (IJNES). |
| 137- 2015, Tunable Plasmonic Sensor with Metal-Liquid Crystal-Metal Structure,IEEE Photonics Journal. |
| 138- 2014, Full Band MIMO Monopole Antenna for Systems,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 139- 2014, A CPW-Fed Square Slot Antenna for Broadband Circularly Polarized Radiation,Caspian Journal of Applied Science Research. |
| 140- 2014, Design of Compact Reconfigurable Ultra-Wideband Slot Antenna with Switchable/Dual band Notch Functions,IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. |
| 141- 2014, Compact Antenna snares Wimax/WLAN,Microwaes and RF (MWRF). |
| 142- 2014, Multi Attribute Analysis of a Novel Compact UWB Antenna with Via-fed Elements for Dual Band Notch Function,International Journal of Engineering (IJE). |
| 143- 2014, Extremely UWB/Multiresonance monopole Antenna with Dual Band-Notched Function,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 144- 2013, Compact Broadband Circularly Polarized Slot Antenna Using Two Linked Elliptical Slots for C-Band Applications,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 145- 2013, Novel Microstrip Slot Antenna for MIMO Systems and Super Wideband Applications,International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences. |
| 146- 2013, CPW-Fed Slot-Like Sleeve-Monopole Antenna with Bandwith Enhancement for UWB Wireless Communications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 147- 2013, Compact CPW-fed Circular Patch Antenna for UWB Applications,Journal of communication Engineering. |
| 148- 2013, Ultra Compact Two Dimensional Plasmonic Nano-Ring Antenna Array for Sensing Applications,Optical and Quantum Electronics - Springer. |
| 149- 2012, Band-Notch Slot Antenna with Enhanced Bandwith by using ?-Shaped Strips Protruded inside Rectangular Slots for UWB Applications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 150- 2012, Bandwidth Enhancement of CPW-Fed Circle Like Slot Antenna with Dual-Notched Characteristic,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 151- 2012, Very compact broad band stop filter using periodic L-shaped stubs based on self-complementary structure for X-band application,Electronics Letters IET Journals and Magazines. |
| 152- 2012, A Novel Design of Reconfigurable Slot Antenna with Switchable Band Notch and Multiresonance Functions for UWB Applications,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 153- 2012, Bandwidth enhancement of dual band-notch circle slot antenna,Electronics Letters. |
| 154- 2012, Design of Novel Ultra-Wideband Bandpass Filter with High Selectivity and Wide Stop Band and Optimizing it with Neuro-Genetic Method,Wireless Personal Communications (Springer). |
| 155- 2012, Dual Band-Notched Square Monopole Antenna for Ultrawideband Applications,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 156- 2012, Enhanced Bandwidth Small E-Shaped Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications with Variable Frequency Band-Notch Function,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 157- 2012, Multiresonance Printed Monopole Antenna for DCS/WLAN/WIMAX Applications,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 158- 2012, Ultra-Wideband Small Square Monopole Antenna with Dual Band-Notch Function,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 159- 2012, Compact Microstrip-fed Monopole Antenna with Modified Slot Ground Plane for UWB Applications,The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society ACES JOURNAL. |
| 160- 2012, Computation of parameters for dispersion compensating photonic crystal fiber using a novel approach,J. Opt. Commun.. |
| 161- 2012, Design and Fabrication of a L-Probe Fed Inverted Patch Antenna for 3G/IMT-2000 Application,World Applied Sciences Journal. |
| 162- 2012, Wide Band CPW-fed Circular Patch Antenna with Tapered Ground Plane,International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences (IJNES). |
| 163- 2012, A Novel Dual-Wideband Monopole-like Microstrip Antenna with Controllable Fequency Response,IEEE ANTENNAA AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. |
| 164-., 2011, Broadband CPW-Fed Circularly Polarized Square Slot Antenna With Inverted-L-Strips for UWB Applications,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 165- 2011, A novel Ultra-Wideband Monopole Antenna with Band-Stop Characteristic,Wireless Engineering and Technology, Scientific Research. |
| 166- 2011, Approximation of Characteristic Parameters for Elliptic and Circular Microshield Lines Using a Robust Fuzzy Approach,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 167- 2011, Monopole Antenna Based on Wrench-Shaped Slot on Circular Disc Patch for UWB Application,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 168- 2010, A New Notched Microstrip-fed Hexagonal Monopole Antenna for UWB Operation,International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences IJNES, 1,4. |
| 169- 2010, Eletromagnetically Coupled WLAN/WiMax Antenna,IEICE Electronics Express. |
| 170- 2010, Microstrip-Fed Small Square Monopole Antenna for UWB Application with Variable Band-Notched Function,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 171- 2010, Multi-Band Ring Fractal Monopole Antenna for Mobile Devices,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 172- 2010, Optimization of Multi-frequency Microstrip Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm Coupled with Method of Moments,IET Microwaves Antennas and Propagation. |
| 173- 2010, Small Microstrip-fed Printed Monopole Antenna for UWB Application,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. |
| 174-1, 2010, Small square slot antenna with circular polarization characteristics for WLAN/WiMAX applications,Electronics Letters. |
| 175- 2010, UWB semi-elliptical printed monopole antenna with subband rejection filter,ELSEVIER AEUE International Journal of Electronics and Communications. |
| 176- 2010, A Novel Band-Notch Planar Monopole Antenna for Ultrawideband Applications,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 177- 2010, A Simple Compact Monopole Antenna with Variable Single and Double Filtering Function for UWB Applications,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 178- 2010, Compact ultra-wideband antenna with dual band-stop characteristic,IEICE Electronics Express. |
| 179- 2010, Design of UWB semi-circle-like slot antenna with controllable band-notch function,Electronics Letters. |
| 180- 2010, Electromagnetically Coupled Band-Notch Elliptical Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. |
| 181- 2010, Multiband Hybrid Loop/Monopole Slot/Planer Monopole Antenna for Mobile Phone Application,International Journal of Information and Communication Technology. |
| 182- 2010, Small Monopole Antenna with Shaped Patch for UWB Application,IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 183- 2009, Small Square Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications with Variable Frequency Band-Notch Function,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. |
| 184- 2009, Small Modified Monopole Antenna for UVB Application,IET Microwaves Antennas& Propagation. |
| 185- 2009, Printed dipole antenna for wla application,microwave and optical technology Letter. |
| 186- 2008, Wideband Fractal Butterfly Patch Antenna,Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. |
| 187- 2008, A Probe-Fed U-Slot Patch Antenna with Suspended Microstrip Configuration,GESTS Int Trans.Computer Science and Enger. |
| 188- 2008, A Windeband Microstrip-Fed Monopole Antenna for Wibro, Wlan, DMB and UWB Applications,Journal of Electromagnetic Waves an Applications. |
| 189- 2008, Design of a Quasi-Isosceles Triangle Slot Antenna for UWB Applications,j. of electromagn waves and appl. |
| 190- 2008, Elliptical CPW-FED Slot Antenna with Multiple Circular Rings Tuning Stubs for Ultrawideband Applications,Far Eaet Journal of Electronics and Communications. |
| 191- 2008, Novel Modified UWB Planar Monopole Antenna With Variable Frequency Band-Notch Function,Journal of IEEE Antenna and Propation Letters. |
| 192- 2008, Optimazation of Circular Ring Microstrip Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Springer. |
| 193- 2008, Probing the Feed Line Parameters in Vivaldi Notch Antennas,Journal of Progress in Electromagnetic Research (PIER-B). |
| 194- 2007, Influence of Element Shape on the Bandwidth of Artificial Magnetic Conductors,J. of Electromagn. Waves and Appl.,. |
| 195- 2007, A Design Approach for a Dual-Polarized, Dual-Band-Reject Frequency Selective Surface Using a New Fractal Element,International Journal of Electronics and Communications-AEU. |
| 196- 2007, A Modified Microstrip-FED Two-Step Tapered Monopole Antenna for UWB and Wlan Applications,Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER. |
| 197- 2007, The Study of Fast Adaptive Algorithms and Proposing New Methods to Increase the Convergence Rate and Their Applaction in Smart Antennas,far east journal and communications. |
| 198- 2006, Influence of Angular Stability of EBG Structures on Low Profile Dipole Antenna Performance,IEEE. |
| 199- 2006, Consideration of Mutual Coupling in a Microsstrip Patch Array Using Fractal Elements,Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER. |
| 200- 2006, Narrow CPW-FED Strip Monopole (Ncpws Monopole): An Antenna Element of Width 2 MM for Single Band Operation at 0-20GHz Range,Far East J. Appl. Math.. |
| 201- 2005, A Beam Propagation Method for Analysis of Er-Doped Planar Devices,WSEAS Transactions on Communications. |
| 202- 1998, 2D Ray-Tracing Model for Indoor Radio Propagation at Millimetre Frequencies, and the Study of Diversity Techniques,IEE Proc-Microw. Antennas Propag. |
| 203- 1393، تشخیص سه بعدی سرطان پستان با استفاده توام از روش های ماشین برداری پشتیبان و المان محدود،مجله پزشکی ارومیه. |
| 204- 1389، آنتن دایورسیتی مسطح جدید پهن باند جهت استفاده در ارتباطات سیار،مجله مهندسی برق دانشگاه تبریز. |
| 205- 1386، طراحی و پیاده سازی سیستم اندازه گری نمودار تشعشعی آنتن در اتاق معمولی با استفاده از فیلتر وفقی،مجله مهندسی برق و مهندسی کامپیوتر ایران،. |
| 206- 1385، یک الگوریتم کوتاه برای پرتوسازی تطبیقی برای کاربرد در مخابرات سیار،مجله دانشکده فنی. |
| 207- 1383، بررسی تاثیر امواج مایکروویو با توان ها و زمان های مختلف روی مراحل زیستی سه گونه آفت انباری،مجله علوم کشاورزی ایران. |
| 208- 1383، آنتن های مجتمع فعال،امواج برتر. |
| 209- 1382، تابع توزیع احتمال MCPDدو بعدی،مجله دانشکده فنی دانشگاه تبریز. |
| 210- 1380، یک روش ساده برای طراحی آنتنهای شیپور شاخی،مجله دانشکده فنی دانشگاه تبریز. |